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Wimereux Summer School: Cross cutting topics in coastal ecology



Course format On-site
Date 2024-06-24 - 2024-06-28
Duration 1 week
Cost Cost : 350 € covers accommodation, lunch, coffee breaks, and social events - Except for students enrolled in Master 2 FOGEM (U. Lille) and CMBE (U. Salento), for whom the fee is 250€.

The Marine Station of Wimereux of the University of Lille and the University of Salento are organizing the Summer School 2024 focusing on Cross-Cutting Topics in Coastal Ecology.

Coastal ecosystems, including estuarine and intertidal habitats, experience significant pressure due to global changes. At the boundary between terrestrial and marine realms, these diverse environments encounter mounting challenges from anthropogenic pollutants such as plastics and the pervasive impacts of climate change, resulting in coastline alterations, temperature shifts, and the intensification of extreme events. Comprehending these habitats is pivotal for the sustainability of coastal ecosystems. This summer school delves into these emerging topics, fostering insights crucial for managing and conserving these critical coastal ecosystems. The summer school promises an innovative curriculum, delving into cutting-edge topics such as in-situ measurement techniques, experimental approaches, and methods in modelling ecology. The focus on the essential connection between observation and research lays the foundation for an enriching educational experience.

The event will be hosted in Wimereux, France within the framework of the 150th anniversary of the Marine Station.

Target audience: This summer school caters to a wide range of academic levels, offering tailored content and experiences suitable for master's students, doctoral candidates, and post-doctoral researchers passionate about advancing their knowledge in cutting-edge aspects of coastal ecology.

Application procedure

Registration deadline : 30 April 2024

Number of participants : Limited to 20

Please fill the application form and send it with a short CV by 30 April 2024 to wimereuxsummerschooluniv-lillefr


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