Research in the field of ecology involves holistic studies to observe interactions among individuals/species with other existing biotic components as well as abiotic factors. Furthermore, this field of study utilises trans-disciplinary approaches where by research in this area is integrated with other branches of Biology and other science fields (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics) in order to explain the findings. Basically, the strength of Ecology as a research field is based on studies in marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems. Among the core sub-research areas are ecotoxicology, coastal ecochemistry, tropical forest ecology, vermicology, mycology, phycology, ichthyology, epidemiology, marine ecology, wildlife ecology, seagrass ecology, malacology, entomology, parasitology, limnology and oceanography. All research is conducted either in the field, the laboratory, or both. Use of high precision analytical equipment's such as AAS, GC, GC-MS, HPLC, high resolution camera microscopes and others further aids researchers in retrieving solid and precise evidence related to their research.
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