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Marine Environment and Resources (MER+)

Master (ISCED 2011 level 7)


Duration 4 semesters
Entry level Bachelor
Cost Partner Country students:9000 €/year Programme Country students:4500 €/year

Suitable for students with a good biological, geological and chemical background, this programme prepares students both for further research, and for work within government and commercial oceanographic and environmental research/consultancy laboratories. The programme runs full-time over 24 months (120 ECTS) and consists of advanced courses (90 ECTS) and a Master Thesis, with a dissertation (30 ECTS).
Every student follows an individually tailored study programme, by combining the different disciplines that can be studied at each of the Partner universities, which are the complementary profiles in which each Partner excels):
• Advanced Oceanography and Coastal Zone Management, in UBx;
• Advanced Oceanography and Coastal and Oceanic Environments, in Soton;
• Marine Environmental Monitoring and Ecosystem Health Protection, in UPV/EHU;
• Biodiversity Conservation and Management, and Oceanic Ecosystems in ULiège; and
• Conservation and Management of Marine Resources and Ecosystems in UAc.
• A pivotal goal of the Programme is to promote international and European cultural exchange and interactions among students.

Application procedure

Application through online platform:

Learning outcomes

The learning outcomes aims at preparing students to undertake integrated, multidisciplinary research into the marine environment and its interactions with marine resources (ocean health, biodiversity conservation, sustainable resources management, pollution control and coastal zone management). Graduates will be able to:
• be integrated into multidisciplinary teams; contributing expertise in a given marine discipline or at the overlap of distinct disciplines within the field
communicate with marine scientists and technologists of diverse expertise
• facilitate communication between co-workers (e.g. between a coastal engineer and a marine biologist) and promote synergies
• accomplish transverse research (from nm/µm scale, to km phenomena/data; from sec/min scale to decades/centuries).


Bachelor's degree (licence) in related field or equivalent diploma in a relevant discipline.

• Required at least Intermediate English proficiency (B1, B2)

ISCED Categories

Offshore and renewable energy