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Bachelorstudiengang Maschinenbau – Schwerpunkt Schiffs- und Meerestechnik (Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering - focus on ship and marine technology )

Bachelor (ISCED 2011 level 6)


Duration 6 semesters
Cost -

The bachelor's degree in "Mechanical Engineering" at the University of Rostock is designed in such a way that students can choose a specialization from the 4th semester onwards, building on the fundamentals of engineering and mechanical engineering they have acquired up to that point.

The courses of the specialization "Ship and Marine Technology" include

  • Basics of ship technology
  • ship and offshore structures
  • Fundamentals of hydromechanics of ships and offshore structures
  • Basics of marine engineering
  • Laboratory: Naval and marine engineering

When choosing this specialization, it is recommended for 

  • the mechanical engineering project
  • the industrial internship
  • the bachelor thesis

also choose a topic directly related to ship and marine technology!

ISCED Categories

Offshore and renewable energy
Naval engineering
Near- and offshore constructions