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Bioenergia (Bioenergy )

PhD (ISCED 2011 level 8)


Duration 8 semesters
Entry level Master
Cost 2.750 €/year

The growing demand for energy, with the simultaneous increasing scarcity of certain non-renewable fossil fuels and environmental concerns resulting from burning, have led to a progressively increasing goal setting of energy production from renewable sources by countries that ratified the Kyoto Protocol. Thus, the demand for renewable energy sources and the expanding, in number of installed capacity of renewable energy generation plants, have involved very significant investments in the EU and at also at National level.

Grant opportunities

There are prizes, scholarships and social support for students

Learning outcomes

  • Capacity to identify, analyze and evaluate issues related to energy production from biomass and waste;
  • Ability to devise answers, to program and implement innovative solutions for the use of recoverable energy products, based on the development of focused research;
  • Ability to design, develop and implement appropriate methodologies for forest materials valuation, development of biological cycles, consequences of its activities and the occurrence of risk situations;
  • Ability to propose answers, plan and implement innovative solutions in processes standardization and products certification, production systems and processing of recyclable materials from the energy point of view;
  • Ability to design, develop and implement appropriate methodologies for improving biomass energy recovery technologies;
  • Ability to design, develop and implement methodologies to assess the qualitative aspects of energy production and distribution processes, obtained from biomass and energy-recoverable waste, as part of an environmental and forest policy;
  • Ability to develop, integrate and disseminate the acquired knowledge and new concepts in academic and / or professional context and by promoting technological progress, social or cultural.


  • Holder of a master degree from a national or a foreign institution in any area pertaining to the Exact Sciences, Natural Sciences, Engineering or recognized equivalent;
  • Holder of a pre-Bologna degree from a national or a foreign institution in any area pertaining to the Exact Sciences, Natural Sciences, Engineering or recognized equivalent with at least 240 ECTS;
  • Holder of academic, scientific or professional qualifications considered by the Scientific Commission of the PhD Programme to attest the candidate´s ability to undertake the corresponding cycle of studies.

ISCED Categories

Offshore and renewable energy