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Engenharia Mecatrónica e Energia (Mechatronics Engineering and Energy )

PhD (ISCED 2011 level 8)


Duration 8 semesters
Entry level Master
Cost UE studentes: 1.250€/year International students with scholarship: 1.250€/year International students: 2.500 €/year International Students with Cooperation and Development Grants: 1.450€/year

The main objective of the PhD program in Engineering is to train highly qualified technicians and researchers, particularly specialized in Mechatronics or in Energy, who are able to carry out independent research or experimental work, in a corporate environment, as well as within the university context. 

Grant opportunities

There are prizes, scholarships and social support for students

Learning outcomes

This PhD program provides advanced specialization areas, with a remarkable interdisciplinary potential in emerging fields, from product design engineering, instrumentation, automatic control and Process supervision, to the development of a range of technologies applied to Mechatronics engineering, energy efficiency in processes, energy capture, conversion and concentration.


MSc in adequate field, namely MSc in Mechatronics Engineering, Solar Energy Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrotechnical Engineering, or a MSc in a related field, or a curriculum vitae that is considered relevant in these areas.

ISCED Categories

Environmental protection technology
Machinery and operators