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Energias Renováveis e Sistemas Sustentáveis (Renewable Energies and Sustainable Systems )

Short-cycle tertiary education (ISCED 2011 level 5)

Portuguese, Portugal

Duration 4 semesters
Cost National student: 697€/year International student: 1.300€/year

The technician in Renewable Energies and Sustainable Systems is a professional qualified to design and execute, independently or in a team, the assembly, installation, maintenance and management of installations using energy from renewable sources, in accordance with the standards, applicable safety regulations and rules of good practice.

Grant opportunities

  • Possibility of a Scholarship (any student can apply for a Scholarship. The minimum amount ensures payment of the tuition fee in full)
  • Emergency Fund – (exclusively for students in a situation of economic need. Support for a non-refundable fund in the purchase of meals, transport expenses and expenses with reprographics and school supplies)
  • Employee Scholarship (paid participation of students in suitable IPCA activities)
  • Food – (available to all IPCA students. Access to meals at social prices)
  • Health Services – (available to all IPCA students. Easy access to general practice consultations at the Barcelos Health Center and free consultations at the IPCA Psychology Office)
  • Transport Services – (available to all IPCA students. Exclusive bus service Braga-Campus IPCA and Campus IPCA-Braga, at social prices)

Learning outcomes

  • Design and plan, under guidance, the installation, maintenance and repair of equipment installations related to the production of renewable energies, and distribution of electrical energy and installations in buildings.
  • Carry out, under guidance, the installation of electrical/electronic equipment, installation, maintenance and repair of electrical installations, electrical energy distribution and installations in buildings.
  • Carry out preventive and corrective maintenance under guidance on electrical/electronic equipment and electrical installations of low and medium voltage, renewable energy and electrical energy distribution.
  • Carry out the installation of equipment and systems for the production of renewable energy in buildings under guidance, using appropriate technologies, techniques and instruments, in accordance with the technical instructions, specific regulations and manufacturer's manuals, respecting the safety standards for people and carry out preventive and corrective maintenance under the guidance of equipment and systems for the production of renewable energy in buildings, using appropriate technologies, techniques and instruments, in order to ensure their correct functioning, respecting the safety standards for people and
  • Make budgets related to the execution, maintenance and/or repair of equipment and systems for the production of renewable energy, making, in particular, the calculations of materials, equipment, labor and lead times.
  • Provide technical assistance to customers clarifying possible doubts about the operation of equipment and systems for the production of renewable energy and electrical installations intervened.
  • Prepare reports and complete technical documentation related to the activity.


  • Holders of a Level 4 vocational secondary education course.
  • Holders of the 12th full year or legally equivalent qualification.
  • Holders of a technological specialization diploma (CET).
  • Holders of a higher education degree who wish to re-qualify their professional skills.

ISCED Categories

Offshore and renewable energy