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Recursos Pesqueiros e Engenharia de Pesca (Fishery Resources and Fisheries Engineering )

Master (ISCED 2011 level 7)

Portuguese, Brazil

Cost Free

The stricto sensu graduate program in Fisheries Resources and Fisheries Engineering has the general objective of training, updating and improving professionals with higher education, in scientific and technological aspects, in the areas of Fisheries Resources and Fisheries Engineering.
The profile of the professional to be trained in this postgraduate course is one that will be suitable for professional practice, in higher teaching and research, being qualified and trained in theory and practice, for the development of projects that seek the solution of problems related to fishing resources and fishing engineering, aiming at sustainable development.
The postgraduate program in Fisheries Resources and Fisheries Engineering should contribute both to the technical training of specialized personnel and to the development and improvement of technologies, at the state and national levels, with an emphasis on the West region of Paraná.

Research lines:
- Management and conservation of inland fisheries resources
- Aquaculture

In the Post-Graduate Program in Fisheries Resources and Fisheries Engineering the minimum number of credits is 40, distributed as follows:

  • 10 credits in the compulsory subjects offered by the course;
  • 9 credits in the elective courses of the line of research of employment;
  • 5 credits in elective courses of free choice and / or taken in other programs in related areas or, in credits arising from the publication of scientific articles;
  • 16 credits related to the dissertation;

Total credits: 24 in subjects and 16 in the dissertation;

Total credits/h: 600 hours


- Aquatic communities (4 credits - compulsory)

- Fisheries statistics (2 credits - compulsory)

- Workshops (2 credits - compulsory)

- Teaching internship (2 credits - compulsory)

- Fisheries aspects and management of fishery resources (3 credits - optional)

- Fisheries biology and stock assessment (3 credits - optional)

- Seaweed ecology (3 credits - optional)

- Ecology of aquatic ecosystems (3 credits - optional)

- Molecular markers and conservation genetics (3 credits - optional)

- Ontogeny and ecology of the early life stages of fish (3 credits - optional)

- Parasites of aquatic organisms (3 credits - optional)

- Production and conservation of fishery resources (3 credits - optional)

- Sampling techniques and multivariate ordering (3 credits - optional)

- Advanced topics in limnology (3 credits - optional)

- Special topics in fisheries resources (2 credits - optional)

- Trophic Ecology of Freshwater Fish (3 credits - optional)

Structural components

ISCED Categories

Project management
Maritime economy
Logistics and shipping management
Marine and maritime law
Conservation and environmental management
Environmental protection technology