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Cluster Management in the Maritime Economy: Concepts, Experiences and Challenges



Course format Online
Date 2022-09-02 - 2022-09-02
Duration 0,5 day
Cost free

Agenda of the workshop

Moderation & Greetings: Dr. Ulrich Schenck, Lawaetz Foundation

14.00 h: Maritime Cluster-policy at Norway – the RIGHT way into the RIGHT future ?!

Kate Clark, Vestland fylkeskommune (Bergen, Norway), Senior Researcher

14.30 h: The Maritime Industry and Cluster-Management at Skane (Sweden) – Policies and Perspectives

Joakim Enquist, IUC Syd, Malmoe (Sweden)

15.00 h: The “Maritime Cluster Northern Germany – MCN” – concept, structure and experiences

Jessica Wegener, Maritimes Cluster Norddeutschland

15.30 h: The German Maritime Center / Deutsches Maritimes Zentrum - DMZ – the concept, structure and first experiences.

Claus Brandt, Deutsches Maritimes Zentrum - DMZ

16.00 h: General Discussion

16.30 h: End of the workshop

Concluding Remark: Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Weißbach, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences


ISCED Categories

Maritime economy
Policy and governance
Logistics and shipping management
Near- and offshore constructions