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Менеджмент в галузі морського та річкового транспорту (Management in the field of sea and river transport )

Bachelor (ISCED 2011 level 6)


Duration 8 semesters
Cost from 3070 USD

Objects of study: technical systems and ship complexes (ship mechanical systems, electrical equipment and electronic equipment and control systems); methods of operation of ships and their systems, management of ship operations; organization of crew work and care for people on ships; ship traffic control systems; security systems shipping.

Objects of activity: ships and naval bases; shipbuilding and ship repair enterprises; traffic control systems for sea and river vehicles; shipping safety systems.

The theoretical content of the subject area is based on knowledge of higher mathematics, physics, theoretical and applied mechanics, resistance of materials, hydromechanics, thermodynamics, electrical engineering, computer science, theory of marine refrigeration, theoretical foundations of marine internal combustion engines.

Structural components
Practical/Field work

ISCED Categories

Personal skills and communication
Project management
Logistics and shipping management