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Wildlife and Fisheries Biology, B.S.

Bachelor (ISCED 2011 level 6)


Duration 8 semesters
Cost South Carolina Resident (per year) $15,558, non-South Carolina Resident (per year) $38,550

Conservation and management are two very important words when it comes to the wildlife and fish that inhabit this world. Wildlife populations that struggle with declining populations need professionals who oversee plans to protect them as a species, while populations with the opposite problem of overwhelming numbers are equally reliant on professionals to intervene in managing their numbers. Each faces health, environmental and ecology risks. As a wildlife and fisheries biology major, you'll learn about practices and policies that affect the animals of this world. With this major, a graduate degree is extremely important for pursuing jobs with federal and state agencies as well as with private industry. To help our students get their graduate degrees sooner, Clemson offers qualified students the opportunity to begin graduate-level work in their senior year.

Clemson is home to more than 17,500 acres of forestland and 56,000 acres of freshwater - and this is where our students study! Freshmen complete entry-level course work in biology, chemistry and mathematics, and then the doors to the outside world fling wide open. Course work quickly migrates to topics such as wildlife biology, wildlife damage management, herpetology, conservation biology and freshwater ecology.

Throughout your classes, you'll learn about the careful balance of protecting our wildlife and ecosystems while also understanding human demands on our environment. In this program, you'll be given the flexibility to choose from approved classes to create a curriculum that fits with your specific career goals. You may choose to take classes that explore the nutritional needs of wildlife, or you may be more interested in exploring the policies and laws that protect the natural environment.

Combined Bachelor of Science/Master of Science Plan
Get a jump-start on your graduate degree with our five-year bachelor's/master's degree program. You can take up to 12 hours of graduate credit that counts toward both your Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in wildlife and fisheries biology.

Structural components
Laboratory training
Practical/Field work

ISCED Categories

Policy and governance
Conservation and environmental management
Personal skills and communication