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Aquaculture and Marine Resource Management: Specialisation Marine Resources and Ecology (Aquaculture and Marine Resource Management: Specialisation Marine Resources and Ecology )

Bachelor (ISCED 2011 level 6)


Duration 4 semesters
Entry level Bachelor
Cost € 2083 / Year

This specialisation focuses on the sensitivity of marine communities in relation to human interventions, including climate change, fisheries and habitat destruction. Sustainable management of the living resources in the sea include models of population dynamics and fishing yield, international regulations, management tools and economic driving forces. This is summarised in the learning outcome: address limiting factors in order to be able to contribute to an improved biodiversity, environmental quality and sustainability of marine ecosystems.

Structural components

Application procedure

To apply for admission to the MSc programme you have to submit several documents. This process is described step by step on the website of the Student Service Centre (SSC).


All information here:


Enrolment in an MSc programme at Wageningen University & Research requires:

  1. A BSc degree (or equivalent) in a field of science relevant to your selected programme
  2. A Grade Point Average (GPA) for this BSc of at least 70% of the maximum grade
  3. Fluency in English, both written and spoken

Relevant BSc programmes

Applicants should have a relevant BSc degree in animal science, aquatic science, biology, ecology, fisheries, marine science, environmental sciences or natural/technical sciences related to marine or aquatic environment or should have a Dutch bachelor's degree related to the topics mentioned above (see Dutch students below)

ISCED Categories

Conservation and environmental management