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Sygdomme og veterinære aspekter relaterede til akvakultur (Diseases and Veterinary Aspects Related to Aquaculture )



Course format On-site
Date 2020-08-31 - 2020-12-10

General course objectives

The student will be able to understand technical and biological causes for disease problems in different aquaculture systems (incl. organic farming) and how to prevent, treat and manage diseases in farmed aquatic animals. Animal welfare and legislative issues will be addressed as well. The course will provide theoretical understanding of health as an important production factor in aquaculture. Focus will be on rainbow trout and salmon, but also other relevant fish species and shellfish will be included.


Introduction to pathogens and diseases found in aquaculture. Disease diagnosis. Methods for prevention of diseases. Stress related production challenges. Nutritional effects on disease status. National and international legislation in relation to aquaculture production and health. Control methods, e.g. antimicrobial agents and chemical additives. General aspects of ethics and welfare in aquaculture. Zoonotic diseases related to aquaculture.

Learning outcomes

A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:

  • Identify and explain the major challenges in preventive health measures, diseases and disease treatment in fish and shellfish
  • Evaluate hygiene procedures and diseases in different technological aquaculture production systems.
  • Demonstrate knowledge about pollution of the environment with medicals, residues in fish and antibiotic resistance problems.
  • Explain influence of environmental stressors as handling, water quality, nutritional status and feed formulation on health status and welfare of fish.
  • Demonstrate knowledge on the biology of pathogenic organisms (bacteria, virus, fungi and parasites) and their interaction with the host organism and the production facilities.
  • Explain control of infectious diseases by vaccination, administration and immune response.
  • Describe and evaluate methods for detection, isolation and characterization of pathogens.
  • Have insight into the legislation related to aquaculture, animal rights and disease management.


ISCED Categories

Veterinary sciences