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Aquatic Food Primary Production: Fishery and Aquaculture



Course format Online
Date 2020-08-31 - 2020-12-18

General course objectives

The requirement for fish and seafood in the word is increasing. This can either be harvest from the sea, traditionally fishery or it can be produces trough aquaculture. These are complex systems and productions that may interfere to each other and on to the surrounding environment. The overall aim with the course is to give the students the necessary basic information about fishery and aquaculture. This should be set in overall view so the students are able to critically evaluate the factors which are important for a sustainable growth in the industry.


The students following this course will gain an overview of the fishery and aquaculture industry in the word and more detailed in the Nordic countries. Within fishery topics will include overview over relevant species, nutrient chains; fishing seasons; fishing gears function, optimal use, affect fish quality on quality; fishing vessels; initial fish processing, on shore or at sea; by catch/by product handling; regulations, quotas and international agreements; structural changes in the fish industry and sustainable fishery. Within the aquaculture topic overview lectures will include relevant species, anatomy and physiology, different production systems and production cycles, water quality requirements, fish feeding, fish breeding, fish health and diseases in aquaculture, fish welfare, harvesting and slaughtering of fish, sustainable aquaculture.

A project thesis should be performed where fishery and aquaculture objects should be discussed in an overall sustainability context.

Learning outcomes

A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:

  • Describe advantages and disadvantages with the two aquatic food primary production systems, fishery and aquaculture
  • Determine factors for performing a sustainable fishery and a sustainable aquaculture
  • Analyse choice of fishing vessels and fishing gears
  • Discuss fish welfare issues and important factors affecting fish welfare
  • Describe production cycles for important aquaculture species
  • Describe how handling of live fish affects quality after slaughtering/harvesting
  • Review and analyse data in a synthetic report with oral presentation
  • Critically analyse "hot topics"related to aquaculture and fisheries practices


ISCED Categories
