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Bachelor of Science (Earth and Ocean Sciences)

Bachelor (ISCED 2011 level 6)


Duration 8 semesters
Cost EU applicants - €7,492/year, Non-EU applicants - €19,750/year

Course Overview

Earth and Ocean Sciences involve the study of the physical and chemical processes that affect planet Earth and its oceans. In this field, you will study topical subjects, such as climate change, natural resources and the management and conservation of our oceans. Four sub-disciplines are involved: geology, geophysics, hydrogeology and oceanography, which, in different ways, look at various workings of our planet, from the atmosphere to the seabed.

Earth and Ocean Sciences subjects are your ticket to a global career market. They offer the opportunity to study some of the most exciting areas in the natural sciences while being able to see at first hand their practical relevance in the world around you.

Structural components
Laboratory training
Practical/Field work
Language training
Research Project

Learning outcomes

Earth and Ocean Sciences graduates can expect to have a wide range of employment opportunities in areas like

  • Marine Studies
  • Groundwater Science
  • Petroleum and Mining
  • Environmental Organisations
  • Consulting Companies
  • Remote Sensing  

ISCED Categories

Personal skills and communication
Ocean Literacy
Conservation and environmental management
Marine Geology
Physical and chemical oceanography