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Short-cycle tertiary education (ISCED 2011 level 5)


Cost $400.00

Course Description: This training course consists of 8 hours of in-class theories and practical training/drills on the STCW-95 safety procedures and accident prevention. Participants will learn how to identify and act effectively under different types of Emergencies. A number of Drills and Training will enable their familiarization with safe working practices, so as to protect human life, the environment and property.

Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to: • Communicate and deliver orders effectively; • Use safety equipment and take escape routes per instructions; • Take safety precautions before enclosed space entry; • Identify emergency signals in station bill; • Learn the proper use of Lock Out Tag Out; • Take safety measures regarding pollution prevention during their duties; • Understand and comply with policies on drug and alcohol; • Create and maintain appropriate employee relations.

Course Requirements : USCG, STCW-95 Endorsement Section Chapter VI, Table VI/1, sections A-VI/1, A-VI/2, A-VI/3, and A-VI/4; Table A-VI/1-4; .46 CFR 10.205, 46 CFR 11.202 (b) (4).

Written Exam: A minimum written test score of 70% is required.

Certification approved by STCW/USCG: Upon training & exams completion, participants will receive a TSU Maritime Certificate of Training, valid for 5 years.

Location: TSU Campus or clients’ premises (* subject to USCG/NMC approval).

ISCED Categories

Maritime security