Course content
The course is based on themes that show Marine Ecology and Oceanography as an integrated part of Fisheries Science. New and pertinent topics may vary from year to year but basic themes include trophic relationships, population concepts, recruitment processes, distribution and migration, and climatic effects. Special attention is paid to populations in boreal and arctic waters. At the start of the course the student must have basic knowledge in Aquatic Ecology and Fish Biology at the University level. The course is particularly relevant for MSc and PhD students.
BIO-2506 Introduction to Fish Biology, BIO-2507 Fisheries Biologyor BIO-2505 Fish Biology, BIO-2507 Fisheries Biology
Local admission, application code 9371 - - Master`s level singular course. Admission requires a Bachelor`s degree (180 ECTS) or equivalent qualification, with a major in biology of minimum 80 ECTS.
Learning outcomes
The course consists of a series of related themes that shows Marine Ecology and Oceanography as an integral part of Fisheries Sciences. Emphasis is on fishes in boreal and Arctic waters. Note: In light of climate change and human activities, the curriculum is updated regularly and themes and extent may vary accordingly from year to year.
Knowledge: From case studies in the scientific literature (original papers, reviews, web-sources), students define, examine and understand concepts such as -
- Patterns and processes of biodiversity and biogeography.
- Trophic structure and relationships. - Life history traits assessed from biological archives such as otoliths and eye lenses.
- Realised and potential habitats in light of ocean warming and sea-ice loss.
Skills: From this knowledge, students learn to -
- Critically evaluate, interpret and contextualise scientific studies and affiliated methods.
- Appraise the history of marine ecology from the classic studies to present day literature.
- Prepare and present a talk (ca. 15 min) and a written Essay (ca. 15 pp) on a topic relevant for e.g. a MSc-Thesis in Marine Ecology or Fisheries Biology.
General competence: From these skills, students qualify for -
- Integrate knowledge from natural and human sciences.
- Formulate and raise pertinent and critical questions about northern marine ecosystems and their resources in light of climate change and human activities.
- Contribute competently to the public debate both orally and in written form.
ISCED Categories