The career of Engineer Navigation and Merchant Marine, will provide knowledge and mastery of the required to perform functions according to their academic level efficiently and safely in a watch of a ship, on the bridge or in the living professional activities machines, during navigation and in port, always considering the preservation of human life at sea, the environment, ship and its cargo, also carrying out maneuvers and necessary operations using the logistics and records aboard ships private and state.
In this proposal the curriculum is characterized by a balance between general education humanistic appropriate level of professional basic education and specialty adapting to the extent the pre professional practices that will create competitiveness in professional development and provide water transportation services business in the country.
Skills and Job Opportunities
It may be conducted on shipping companies and ports of the State and private national and international level where it will perform operation and maintenance tasks on board.
In the financial field, it unfolded in technical or operational positions and later to gain experience and responsibility to be a manager or director of control of steering the ship.
In the Naval and Merchant Marine field: Operating communications equipment, receive and send routine satellite communications, emergency and urgent.
In the Naval and Merchant Marine field: Operating the auxiliary machinery of the ship efficiently. Apply mechanical techniques bench for maintenance of equipment.
In the Naval and Merchant Marine field: Operate and maintain electronic equipment, circuits and electrical systems and automatic control systems onboard.
In the Naval and Merchant Marine field: Operate and maintain internal combustion engines, refrigeration plants and air conditioning systems.
In the Naval and Merchant Marine field: plants operate efficiently steam, gas, diesel and ship combined.
You can create your own company or work as a consultant to provide shipping services and involving the application of safety procedures, control and inspection in accordance with national and international standards for the proper operation of the ship in its logistics environment.
You can perform research and teaching.
ISCED Categories