“Digitalization” means that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) changes business processes and market rules. While some “rule breaker examples” like Amazon or Uber are well-known and often discussed, for most SMEs “Digitalization” is a complex process in which the constraints of existing processes, business models, customers and staff are critical.
The concept of this workshop is to develop an individual strategy for a company (or a company network) that reflects the as-is situation and specific constraints, but also specific strengths and assets. Based on a short analysis we describe together potential action fields, develop a choice of the most relevant and blueprint for the transition process.
A similar concept of this trainings is successfully applied for 2 years in the German “Competence Centre Digitalization for SMEs” in Hamburg (https://kompetenzzentrum-hamburg.digital/).
Possible Workshop formats:
- 1d introduction and exercises
- Project coaching: 1d introduction + 1-2 1/2d workshops, depending on complexity
- Train the trainer concept
The workshop can be provided in German or English.
Learning outcome:
Outcomes for learners:
- Competences in the assessment of ICTs on the own business model
- Discussions with other participants expand the own “horizon"
Outcomes for SME's:
- Development of a company specific Digitalization strategy
- Start of a discussion process