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Major in Control and Instrumentation Engineering

Master (ISCED 2011 level 7)


Cost 2,590,500 South Korean won per semester

Automation of factory and product processes is increasingly required to improve the productivity and competitive power of companies. To meet these requirements, the Department of Control and Instrumentation Engineering at KMOU aims to cultivate specialized engineers leading the future of industrial fields through collaborative education in control and automation of industrial processes, sensor fusion and image processing, and computer networks.

The department is composed of 7 faculty members, dedicated to teaching, research activities, and engineering expertise in the related areas.

At the graduate level, the department offers study programs leading to the Master and Doctor degrees in Control and Instrumentation Engineering.

Areas of Specialty

  • Intelligent control of complex processes and marine vehicles
  • Autonomous control of robotic vehicles
  • Precision instrumentation and sensor fusion
  • Digital signal and image processing
  • Broadband maritime network architecture and advanced ship network system
  • Advanced computer architectures

The program includes marine elements including modules in 'Maritime Cyber Safety' and 'Marine Control System'.

ISCED Categories

Naval engineering
Navigation and seamanship