It trains students to become the next generation engineer specializing in the materials and equipment for shipbuilding and the design of high-valued equipment for ships.
Introduction of major
- Use the materials for ship and acquire the knowhow on the processing technologies.
- Learn the development of the next generation high technology and high value added materials and equipment for ship
Contents of education
- Directly verify the materials of each field through the test and experiments.
- Experience the planning, design and manufacturing of the equipment for ship.
- Display the model manufactured in the design subject or provide the opportunity of applying for patents.
- Acquire the method of actually operate the engine and other major equipment in the ship for boarding.
Main subjects
- Basic sciences such as math, science and computing (freshmen and sophomore)
- Basic liberal arts for convergence technologies
- Basic subjects for major - Material science, material strength study, complex materials, marine material engineering, etc
- Advanced subjects for major - ship materials, main ship engine, auxiliary machine and boarding practices, etc
Relevant technical licenses
- Engineer for general machine, engineer for metal materials, engineer for quality
Job career after graduation
- Large shipbuilding companies like DSME, Samsung Heavy Industries
- Large ship material companies such as Donghwa Entec and large companies such as DSEC, Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics
- R&D person in graduate schools in field of science and technology, KIMS, KOMERI (Korea Marine Equipment Research Institute)
ISCED Categories
Naval engineering