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Major of Marine Equipment Engineering

Bachelor (ISCED 2011 level 6)


Cost 2,590,500 South Korean won per semester

It trains students to become the next generation engineer specializing in the materials and equipment for shipbuilding and the design of high-valued equipment for ships.

Introduction of major
  • Use the materials for ship and acquire the knowhow on the processing technologies.
  • Learn the development of the next generation high technology and high value added materials and equipment for ship
Contents of education
  • Directly verify the materials of each field through the test and experiments.
  • Experience the planning, design and manufacturing of the equipment for ship.
  • Display the model manufactured in the design subject or provide the opportunity of applying for patents.
  • Acquire the method of actually operate the engine and other major equipment in the ship for boarding.
Main subjects
  • Basic sciences such as math, science and computing (freshmen and sophomore)
  • Basic liberal arts for convergence technologies
  • Basic subjects for major - Material science, material strength study, complex materials, marine material engineering, etc
  • Advanced subjects for major - ship materials, main ship engine, auxiliary machine and boarding practices, etc
Relevant technical licenses
  • Engineer for general machine, engineer for metal materials, engineer for quality
Job career after graduation
  • Large shipbuilding companies like DSME, Samsung Heavy Industries
  • Large ship material companies such as Donghwa Entec and large companies such as DSEC, Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics
  • R&D person in graduate schools in field of science and technology, KIMS, KOMERI (Korea Marine Equipment Research Institute)

ISCED Categories

Naval engineering