The Degree Course in Naval Engineering was born in 1943 with a strong role in the cultural field of the city of Trieste. The Faculty of Naval and Mechanical Engineering dates back to that year, which 6 years later conferred the first degrees, thus feeding the Trieste shipbuilding and motoring area, which has always been the region's industrial excellence.
The Degree Course in Naval Engineering has been activated since then without interruption and continues to be strongly integrated into the regional and national cultural and industrial fabric. Today the Degree Course is included in the didactic offer of the Department of Engineering and Architecture.
The Master's Degree Course in Naval Engineering aims, by integrating knowledge and skills already acquired with the achievement of the Bachelor's Degree in Naval Engineering, to train the professional figure of the naval engineer, and thus represents the completion of the entire training path in Naval engineering.
The specific objective of the Degree Course is to enable students to acquire specific professional knowledge in the disciplinary field of Naval Engineering, and specifically in the fields of naval architecture, shipbuilding and shipbuilding. This is intended to ensure students an adequate mastery of both methods and content in dealing with technical-scientific, general engineering and naval specific topics.
The two years of the Degree Program provide courses exclusively dedicated to naval engineering students and are classified as characterizing courses, those concerning the fundamental subjects of naval engineering, and related courses, those that introduce ancillary topics to the preparation of the naval engineer.
It should be noted that for a complete training of a naval engineer it is necessary to integrate his preparation with knowledge regarding the different disciplines that find application on a marine vessel. In fact, the naval engineer is a synthesis engineer who must possess the necessary multi-disciplinary knowledge in order to make the different and complex systems present on board a marine vessel interact.
The Master's Degree Course is not divided into curricula, but is structured in such a way as to allow the student to choose some courses so as to prepare a study plan that is more suited to personal attitudes. The final test is a work that allows the student to deepen a specific topic of naval engineering, also through periods of stay in companies or research laboratories.
Graduates in Naval Engineering, given their preparation characterized by modern methodological and interdisciplinary skills, can find employment in numerous industrial and advanced tertiary sectors, such as, for example, the manufacturing sector (shipbuilding and shipbuilding yards , boats and marine vehicles; industries for the exploitation of marine resources), the tertiary sector (shipping companies, classification institutes and surveillance bodies), the technical bodies of the Navy and professional, design and expert.
The Master of Science in Naval Engineering is the natural outcome of the (three-year) degree in Naval Engineering, but it also welcomes graduate students in other sectors of industrial engineering who, after recovering the educational debt consisting of a series of exams characterizing the disciplinary field of naval engineering, can fully enroll in the first year of the Degree Course. The second cycle degree program has a national user base, counting students from all regions of Italy among the enrolled students. The second cycle degree program is not limited in number.
Application procedure
On line
- Seleziona il corso di studi prescelto, clicca su "immatricolazione" e segui la procedura guidata. Alla fine stampa il modulo di immatricolazione e versa la prima rata delle tasse con le modalità previste
- Fai l'upload della foto: servirà per la tessera mensa rilasciata dall'Ardiss
- Compila on line il Questionario Immatricolati
Prima della Consegna: prepara i seguenti documenti, che dovrai consegnare assieme al modulo di immatricolazioni stampato, altrimenti la domanda non potrà essere accolta:
- Fotocopia dell'attestazione di avvenuto pagamento della prima rata delle tasse Universitarie;
- Due fotografie recenti e uguali, formato tessera e firmate in calce: per la legalizzazione della foto dovrai esibire un documento d’identità (In caso di spedizione postale o consegna tramite terzi, una delle due fotografie dovrà essere stata legalizzata presso l’Ufficio comunale preposto, o da un notaio o da un cancelliere);
- Fotocopia del codice fiscale
- Dichirazione relativa alla formazione sulla Sicurezza: stampa e compila il Modulo
Immatricolazione a laurea magistrali dopo il 6 Ottobre 2014:
- se ti laurei dopo il 06 ottobre 2014, devi presentare la domanda entro il 22 gennaio 2015.
- se ti laurei dopo il 22 gennaio 2015, devi presentare la domanda entro il 09 aprile 2015.
Learning outcomes
Il Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Navale ha l'obiettivo di assicurare agli studenti un'adeguata padronanza di metodi e contenuti scientifici generali, nonché l'acquisizione di specifiche conoscenze professionali, nell'ambito disciplinare dell'ingegneria navale nei settori dell'architettura navale, della costruzione navale e degli impianti navali.
Inoltre il Corso di Laurea si propone di sviluppare negli studenti la capacità di lavorare in gruppi coordinati, assumendone la responsabilità di indirizzo e di coordinamento, le capacità critiche per individuare le metodologie più idonee ad affrontare i problemi tecnici nuovi e/o complessi e per valutare l'affidabilità dei risultati conseguiti, la capacità di aggiornare e migliorare continuamente le proprie conoscenze e competenze dal punto di vista sia tecnico sia operativo ed organizzativo, la capacità di inquadrare le conseguenze delle scelte tecniche in un più ampio contesto di tipo economico, sociale ed ambientale.
A tal fine il corso prevede una costante interazione col mondo del lavoro del settore marittimo attraverso l'organizzazione di conferenze e seminari e lo svolgimento di tirocini in azienda generalmente finalizzati all'elaborazione di tesi di laurea.
Nella Laurea Magistrale la tesi ha lo scopo di applicare le conoscenze acquisite e di completarle e approfondirle anche nel contesto di tematiche progettuali e scientifiche innovative.
La relativa formazione è pertanto orientata alla creazione di figure professionali di immediata riconoscibilità in possesso di una cultura scientifica e tecnica nell'ambito dell'ingegneria navale, in grado di inserirsi e orientarsi con facilità nel mondo del lavoro con particolare riferimento a settori indirizzati alla progettazione avanzata e all'innovazione.
For access to the Master of Science in Naval Engineering, specific curricular requirements and adequacy of personal preparation are required. Knowledge equivalent to that provided by the general educational objectives of the Degrees of the Industrial Engineering Class (Class 10 of DM 509/1999 and Class L-9 of DM 270/2004) is required. All the following curricular requirements will be requested, without exclusion:
- possession of a Bachelor's Degree, a Master's Degree or a Master's Degree, as per DM 509/1999 or DM 270/2004, obtained from an Italian University or a five-year Degree (before DM 509 / 1999), obtained from an Italian university or equivalent qualifications;
- possession of at least 36 ECTS, or equivalent knowledge, acquired in any university course (Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, Master's Degree, 1st and 2nd level University Masters) in the scientific-disciplinary sectors indicated for the basic training activities foreseen by the Degrees of the Class L-9 Industrial Engineering (as explained in the Didactic Regulations of the Degree Course);
- possession of at least 30 ECTS, or equivalent knowledge, acquired in any university course (Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, Master's Degree, 1st and 2nd level University Masters) in the scientific-disciplinary sectors indicated for the characterizing formative activities of the Class L Degrees -9 Industrial Engineering, within the disciplinary field of Naval Engineering (as explained in the Didactic Regulations of the Degree Course).
The curricular requirements must be possessed before the verification of the individual preparation.
The verification of personal preparation also includes verification of the ability to use fluently, in written and oral form, at least one language of the European Union in addition to Italian, with reference also to disciplinary lexicons.
The methods of such verification are defined in the Didactic Regulations of the Degree Course.
In order to be admitted to the Degree Program it is necessary to have specific curricular requirements and adequate individual preparation, as specified in Annex B "Access to the Degree Course" to the Didactic Regulations of the Degree Course.
ISCED Categories