The B.A. in marine affairs focus on coastal and ocean areas and examine environmental resources, human uses, and governance from a variety of perspectives. Both degrees qualify for New England Regional Tuition. Topics include conservation, ocean policy and law, climate adaptation and resilience, tourism and recreation, environmental justice, ocean energy resources, coastal and island communities, ports and shipping, fisheries and marine ecosystems, spatial planning and management.
A marine affairs major establishes a background for careers in the public or private sectors in a wide variety of marine-related fields. Typical areas of employment include positions in government concerned with coastal zone, environmental, or fishery management, and marine transportation. In the private sectors, students have secured positions in environmental consulting firms, marine insurance, public interest nongovernmental organizations, marinas, ports, and companies involved in shipping. The major serves well as an educational background for continued study in law, especially environmental, fishery, coastal zone, admiralty, and ocean law. Students have also entered graduate and professional programs in environmental management, public administration, community planning, marine affairs, and related fields.
Students in the Department of Marine Affairs who participate in the New England Regional Student Program must maintain a 2.80 G.P.A. and take at least one MAF course per year to retain their New England regional tuition status. Failure to meet these objectives will result in suspension of the reduced tuition privilege. Reinstatement may occur if the student meets these requirements for one year after the time of the suspension.
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