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Maritime Sciences (Master)

Master (ISCED 2011 level 7)


Duration 4 semesters
Cost ¥535,800 / year

The Graduate School of Maritime Sciences builds on the core skills and goals formed during the undergraduate program to produce highly creative researchers, educators, and advanced specialist professionals. Our graduates have an international perspective and a high level of problem-solving skills.

In order to achieve this, the Graduate School has three Divisions:

  1. Maritime Management Sciences equips students with an understanding of all maritime-related safety management and ship navigation systems, the international maritime industry, administrations including multinational collaborations, and maritime law.
  2. Maritime Logistics Sciences produces specialists with a comprehensive understanding of distribution systems from a systems and information engineering perspective, focusing on efficient, safe and environmentally-conscious transportation systems, distribution information, and maritime environmental information.
  3. Marine Engineering covers the diverse technologies used in new functional materials and next-generation power systems, energy use in maritime machinery and structures, environmental conservation, and mechatronics technology.
Structural components
International component
Laboratory training
Practical/Field work
Research Project

ISCED Categories

Project management
Personal skills and communication
Ocean Literacy
Maritime economy
Policy and governance
Marine and maritime law
Environmental protection technology
Offshore and renewable energy
Machinery and operators
Naval engineering
Oil, gas and mineral resources
Near- and offshore constructions
Logistics and shipping management