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B.A. in Marine Affairs (B.A. in Marine Affairs )

Bachelor (ISCED 2011 level 6)


Cost TUITION $37,390

Program Overview

Do you have a desire to help preserve our precious ocean resources? As human activities continue to alter our coastal systems, the need is growing for experts in ocean conservation, management, regulation, and governance. Our B.A. in Marine Affairs is one of only four undergraduate Marine Affairs programs in the U.S., and our shoreline campus is the perfect place to learn best practices in marine policy, ecology, and sustainable development. Ride the wave into the “Ocean Century” with Marine Affairs at UNE.

For more information regarding the curriculum check this link -


Marine Affairs Curriculum


MAR 105/105L - Introduction to Ecology/Evolution of Marine Organisms

(credits included in Core)


MAR 106/106L - Introduction to Cellular/Molecular of Marine Organisms

MAR 150/150L - Discovering the Ocean Environment or MAR 270/270L - Oceanography

MAR 250/250L - Marine Biology or MAR 350/350L - Marine Ecology

MAR 316 - Science in Society

MAF 200 - Introduction to Marine Pollution

MAF 210 - Introduction to US Ocean Governance

MAF 310 - Ocean and Coastal Law

MAF 320 - Internship3 

MAF 400 - Marine Affairs Capstone


Program Required Cognate Courses

CHE 110/110L - General Chemistry I


CHE 130/130L Principles of Chemistry

PSC 125 - Understanding Law


PSC 210 Constitutional Law

MAT 150 - Statistics for Life Sciences


MAT 170 Applications of Functions 

(credits included in Core)

GIS 161 - Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems

BUEC 390 - Environmental Economics


BUEC 395 Ecological Economics


Communication and Outreach Group (1 course)3

SPC 100 - Effective Public Speaking

CMM 210 - Understanding Media

CMM 240 - Social Media: Theory and Practice

CMM 305 - Public Relations in the Digital Age

ENV 321 - Environmental Communications

EDU 202 - Curriculum Theory and Design


Organization Management Group (1 course)3

BUMG 301 - Organizational Behavior

BUMG 303 - Management of Non-profit Organizations

BUMG 311 - Business and Society Relations

BUMK 200 - Marketing

BUMK 310 - Advertising

ORM 335 - Outdoor Recreation Planning and Policy

SOC 226 - Environmental Sociology


Structural components
Internship/Workplace experience
Practical/Field work

ISCED Categories

Personal skills and communication
Ocean Literacy
Policy and governance
Physical and chemical oceanography