The master's degree Aquaculture is designed primarily for holders of bachelor's degrees or diplomas or for technical engineers who want to enhance their knowledge of aquaculture. The program seeks to train professionals for the aquaculture sector with a high level of scientific knowledge, a mastery of multidisciplinary techniques and the capacity to assume managerial responsibilities. The program offers students the chance to develop the skills needed to carry out research, development and innovation in the public and private sectors.
Application procedure
Pre-enrolment calendar
- First period: 1 February - 8 June 2020.
- Second period: 9 June - 2 September 2020.
Open Pre-enrolment
- Pre-enrolment fee: A pre-enrolment fee of 30,21 euros is charged. Students who apply to more than one master's degree must pay the fee for each pre-enrolment request. Pre-enrolment requests cannot be processed until this fee has been paid.Fees will only be refunded if the master's degree in question is suspended.
- Reserved places: A maximum of 5% of the new places of the master's degree are reserved for students who meet the general and specific access requirements and accredit the recognition of a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33%.
Grant opportunities
Es conveniente consultar las 'becas y ayudas para estudiantes de máster universitario' en la página web de la Universidad, para informarse sobre los requisitos, trámites y plazos para solicitar becas o ayudas.
El màster d'aqüicultura disposa de bosses d'ajuda econòmica per a la realització del Treball de fi de Màster.
Convé consultar les beques i els ajuts per a estudiants de màster universitari
(, per informar-se sobre els requisits, tràmits i terminis per sol·licitar una beca o ajut. Hi ha beques i ajuts en qualsevol etapa universitària i de tota mena: per fer recerca, per participar en programes d’intercanvi, per accedir a cursos d’estiu, per ampliar estudis o investigar a l’estranger, per treballar de lector, per fer pràctiques laborals en altres països, etc.
Tota aquesta informació és accessible des del portal de beques de MónUB.
Grant opportunities for erasmus
In addition, students of the Master can use all the options for mobility offered by the three organizing universities. Attached below the links on the mobility offered by the University of Barcelona:
In addition to aid ERASMUS students at the University of Barcelona can enjoy other support:
Support for participation in international mobility programs for students of schools of the University of Barcelona:
Are grants awarded same university Barcelona to enjoy an aid in the master phase students wishing to participate in programs and mobility, and more specific to students in their initial stage of training towards research.
Scholarship program helps Bancaja and Banco Santander international student center at the University of Barcelona:
They are travel grants to students of the University who have been selected to make a stay at another university within the Erasmus program, the Coimbra Group and mobility programs with foreign universities.
Also you can use the aid offered by the Generalitat de Catalunya
Aid Agency Management of University and Research (AGAUR) of the Generalitat de Catalunya:
The Generalitat de Catalunya, via your agency AGAUR, convenes an annual grant program to assist with the costs that involves studies to other countries for students participating in international mobility programs.
Additional aid in respect of residence within the general scholarship and mobility of the Ministry of Education and Science:
Are grants from the Generalitat of Catalonia for students who are entitled to enjoy the mobility grant from the Ministry of Education and Science. They can request an additional aid in the concept of residence because of study at a foreign university away from home address.
Learning outcomes
Generic competences
- The ability to analyse, summarize and write documents and interpret professional and scientific protocols in the various specialized areas of aquaculture.
- Expertise in the use of information and communication technologies and awareness of the importance of debate and teamwork, interpersonal communication and responsibility.
- The ability to design experiments and apply scientific methods, which provides the sufficient autonomy to take part in scientific and technological collaborations and projects.
Specific competences
- The ability to understand and select the appropriate nutritional, feeding and reproduction parameters to ensure a good quality product in aquaculture.
- The ability to identify how systems of aquaculture production function and evaluate their impact on the environment, maintaining the health and well-being of the animals and giving priority to preventive rather than therapeutic strategies.
- Capacity to design installations and define handling programs for an aquaculture farm, taking into account biological, physical and economic constraints, and ability to take decisions concerning the management and maintenance of the installations.
Competències generals
- Capacitat per analitzar, sintetitzar o redactar documents i interpretar protocols de caràcter professional i científic en els diferents àmbits especialitzats de l'aqüicultura.
- Capacitat per adquirir domini de les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació i apreciar la importància del debat i treball en equip, la comunicació interpersonal i la responsabilitat.
- Capacitat per dissenyar experiments i aplicar mètodes científics que permetin desenvolupar una autonomia suficient per participar en col·laboracions i projectes científics o tecnològics.
Competències específiques
- Capacitat per conèixer i escollir els paràmetres de nutrició, creixement i reproducció adequats per obtenir un producte de bona qualitat en aqüicultura.
- Capacitat per identificar les bases de funcionament dels sistemes de producció aqüícola i avaluar-ne les repercussions sobre el medi ambient, mantenint la salut i el benestar dels animals, i prioritzant l'estratègia de prevenció més que de teràpia.
- Capacitat per dissenyar les instal·lacions i definir programes de maneig d'una explotació aqüícola d'acord amb els condicionants biològics, físics i econòmics disponibles, i prendre decisions tècniques en gestió i manteniment del centre.
- To gain an understanding of production, sustainability and responsibility in aquaculture.
- To acquire knowledge of the latest developments in the nutrition, metabolism and growth of aquaculture species, focusing on theoretical issues and potential applications for enhanced product quality.
- To gain an understanding of the current state of knowledge in the immunology and pathology of fish species important in aquaculture, using the tools needed for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease and understanding the interaction of aquaculture and the environment.
- To understand the basic design criteria and engineering principles needed to set up and manage a successful aquaculture system, as well as the principles underlying the technical and business management of an aquaculture company and how to market the product.
- To acquire the skills, knowledge and tools to undertake research in public and private research centres.
- Adquirir los conocimientos en acuicultura basados en la producción, la sostenibilidad y la responsabilidad
- Conocer los avances en nutrición, metabolismo y crecimiento en especies acuícolas, haciendo hincapié tanto en los conocimientos teóricos como en las posibles aplicaciones en la mejora de la calidad del producto
- Conocer el estado actual del conocimiento inmunológico y patológico en especies de interés para la acuicultura, mediante las herramientas necesarias para el diagnóstico, el tratamiento y la prevención de las enfermedades, además de conocer la interacción de la acuicultura y el medio ambiente
- Entender los criterios de diseño y los fundamentos de ingeniería necesarios para promover o gestionar de manera viable un sistema de acuicultura, y las bases de organización de una empresa tanto en lo referente a los aspectos técnicos como a los de gestión empresarial y de mercado
- Adquirir las herramientas y los conocimientos necesarios para desarrollar investigación en acuicultura en centros públicos y privados
Recommended applicant profile
Applicants should have a general background in life sciences, health sciences or agricultural engineering, with specific training in the biology, ecology and physiology of aquatic organisms or systems of aquaculture production (technology and facilities). A basic knowledge of English is required.
Admission requirements
In accordance with Article 16 of Royal Decree 1393/29 October 2007, students must hold one of the following qualifications to access university master's degree courses:
- An official Spanish degree.
- A degree issued by a higher education institution within the European Higher Education Area framework that authorizes the holder to access university master's degree courses in the country of issue.
- A qualification from outside the framework of the European Higher Education Area. In this case, the qualification should be recognized as equivalent to an official Spanish degree. If it is not recognized, the University of Barcelona shall verify that it corresponds to a level of education that is equivalent to official Spanish degrees and that it authorizes the holder to access university master's degree courses in the country of issue. Admission shall not, in any case, imply that prior qualifications have been recognized as equivalent to a Spanish master's degree and does not confer recognition for any purposes other than that of admission to the master's degree course.
Specific requirements
For admission to the master's degree Aquaculture, applicants should hold an official bachelor's degree, undergraduate degree or equivalent qualification in any area related to life sciences, environmental sciences, marine sciences, veterinary science or agricultural engineering.
The admission requirements list the qualifications needed for admission to this master's degree. Students with qualifications not listed above will require a favourable report from the Master's Degree Committee to gain admittance.
Students will need a level of English language competence equivalent to B2 in the European Common Framework of Reference for Languages.
ISCED Categories