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Fisheries Biology and Management MSc

Master (ISCED 2011 level 7)


Duration 4 semesters
Cost no tuition fees

The aim of the specialization is to give post graduate students a comprehensive insight into the discipline fisheries biology with emphasis on how to conserve living aquatic resources while securing a sustainable yield. This includes a solid understanding of the internal and external drivers that determine fish dynamics. When completing the students will have a good knowledge of the behaviour, development, life history and ecology of fishes, in addition to oceanography and marine ecosystems. They will further have a basic understanding of the population structure of fish stocks, the function, use and selective properties of fishing gear, methods for surveillance, as well as exploitation strategies of fish populations from selected ecosystems. The students will also have basic knowledge of how ecological factors in combination with the fishing pressure influence the development of fish stocks. Principles of fisheries management and conservation are introduced as well as the application of simple population dynamic models. The students will also get practical experience from work in fisheries biology and monitoring of fish stocks in the laboratory, in the field on a research vessel. The master's programme includes training in conducting an independent scientific study. The thesis will be based on data collected in the laboratory or in the field, or based on time series. The thesis could also be based on extended literature review.

Required Learning Outcomes

The goal of the programme is to provide the student insight and overview of the field of fisheries biology, with emphasis on how harvesting as well as biotic and abiotic factors affects living resources in the ocean.


  • Basic knowledge of biology, life history, evolution and ecology of fishes, as well as knowledge of oceanography and marine ecosystems.
  • A basic understanding of population structure in fish populations, function and selection patterns of fishing gear, harvesting strategies of fish populations from selected ecosystems, and simple population dynamic models
  • Knowledge of how ecological factors in combination with fisheries affect development of fish populations


After completing the programme the candidate has acquired:

  • Practical experience from laboratory work within fisheries biology, in the field and on research vessels
  • Experience in conducting a research study based on a material collected in the laboratory or field, or based on time series of biological data
  • Skills in oral and written presentation of results from biological research in popular scientific and academic context
  • Ability to measure size of fish and determine age and maturity status
  • Retrieve, analyze and apply new knowledge within the special topic
  • Analyze, interpret and discuss their own data in a scientific and critical manner, in light of data and theories within their field of study
  • Be able to design an experiment or field study that may help to answer research questions.
  • Handle and present quantitative data, discuss precision and accuracy, and use the most fundamental statistical principles

General competences

After the master's programme, the candidate should be able to

  • Work in accordance with scientific principles and have an understanding and respect for transparency, accuracy, accountability and the importance of distinguishing between facts and opinions.
  • Analyze the general biological scientific issues and participate in the discussion of approaches and ways of solving the issue.
  • Work with demanding tasks and at the same time meeting deadlines
  • Discuss the subject in public debate.
  • Work independently and as part of a team
Structural components
Ship training
Laboratory training
Practical/Field work
Research Project

ISCED Categories

Conservation and environmental management
Physical and chemical oceanography
Environmental protection technology