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Master in Mechanical Engineering

Master (ISCED 2011 level 7)


Duration 3 semesters
Cost EU/ Polish 2560 PLN; Non EU 11500 PLN per year

One specialisation is available within this programme:

  • Construction and Operation of Marine Energy Systems

A graduate of this field of study is awarded the degree of magister inżynier (corresponding to Master of Engineering). The person may perform the function of an officer in the marine vessel engineering department or may be employed in a repair shipyard as well as in maintenance departments of enterprises such as: electrical power and heating plants, paper factories, steelworks, ports, sewage treatment plants and pump stations. Employment is also possible in electrical power generation, transfer and distribution facilities as well as in renewable energy, on-shore and off-shore wind farm operation enterprises, electrical device production plants, power plants as well as electrical power and heating plants, manufacturers of supporting constructions, fixture, insulation devices and systems.

Structural components
Laboratory training
Practical/Field work
Research Project

ISCED Categories

Environmental protection technology
Offshore and renewable energy
Machinery and operators
Near- and offshore constructions