Only very few educations provide as broad a knowledge as the one you get through our ship’s officer programme.
The ship’s officer education programme includes a junior and a senior part. You can graduate after completing the junior part, but most students choose to continue on to the senior part, where you can specialise at the engineer line as a chief engineer, at the navigator’s line as a master mariner or a combination of both lines, where you become a marine chief engineer and master mariner.
During the education programme of the ship’s officer you will acquire theoretical knowledge about ship’s technique, navigation, and meteorology as well as on technical subjects like engine and boiler theory, and electrical plants and equipment. You also have subjects like management, economics, and communication. During seagoing service you get the opportunity to try out in practice what you have learned in theory.
The special qualifications you acquire as a ship’s officer – with knowledge about the work from the bridge to the engine room – make you attractive for enterprises both in Denmark and abroad. You can get a position on board merchant ships, passenger ships, manage container ships or tankers, or work with offshore wind turbines, oil and gas extraction, or cable laying, etc. You can also work ashore, where ship’s officers often find employment in shipping companies or other parts of the maritime or mechanical engineering industries.
Please note that our ship officer training programme is conducted mainly in Danish, and you have to have an educational contract with an approved Danish shipping company, before you embark on the education.
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