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Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

Bachelor (ISCED 2011 level 6)


Cost ¥22,000/year

The degree in the Ocean Engineering Program is to prepare students to work for the industry and academia in ocean engineering, with expertise in naval architecture, underwater vehicles, underwater signal processing and marine environment, by applying the basic laws and principles of mathematics, mechanics, acoustics and information science.

The main courses include Calculus of Engineering , Linear Algebra, Engineering Chemistry, Engineering Physics , Engineering graphics, Oceanography, Differential equations, Statistics, Numerical computation, Applied mechanics, C Language, Engineering Thermodynamics, Mechatronics, Naval architecture, Systems and control, Engineering materials, Underwater acoustics, Fluid mechanics, Measurement and Instrument , Digital signal processing, Engineering Optimization,Underwater vehicle navigation and control, Underwater systems, Vibrations, Observation of ocean environment, Underwater information systems


ISCED Categories

Naval engineering