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Bachelor of Science (Hons) (Marine Science & Technology)

Bachelor (ISCED 2011 level 6)


Duration 8 semesters
Cost 6000 Malaysian ringgit per semester

Marine Science is one of the core areas of focus and priority within the National Oceanography Directorate (NOD). The Directorate serves as the national focal point for all oceanographic and marine science activities, and provides leadership and policies in marine scientific research and development (R&D) undertaken within Malaysian waters. Under the 10th Malaysia Plan (2011-2015) NOD had proposed to the government for the establishment of the National Institute of Oceanography. This emphasized the government recognition on increasing human capitals in the field.

In addition to that, issues such as global warming, overfishing, coastal erosions indicate that human continue to harvest the marine ecosystem to sustain the growing human population. Advances in technology, combined with demand, has improved human ability to derive food and energy sources from the ocean. Thus it is imperative to take imminent measures to build knowledge and human experts to facilitate earth sustenance and its potential to help meet the needs of the world and its inhabitants.

Marine science graduates will be very much involved in tackling problems, mitigating impacts and managing resources of the marine ecosystem. The degree will provide foundation to the students to basic understanding of marine sciences, expose them to technology and advancement made in the field, and also introduce critical thinking to discuss current issues and manage the marine environment. Graduates will be able to pursue employment in the fisheries department, maritime enforcement, navy services, deep-fishing and aquaculture industries, as researchers, professors, consultants and marine resources managers among other professions.

The proposed Bachelor Degree programme has a minor component in Islamic Revealed Knowledge in addition to the core Marine Science subjects. The goal of the programme is to generate competent and skill marine scientist who would contribute to nation-building and be the pride of Muslim Ummah. Besides that, the versatile undergraduates, imbued with the ideals of IIUM’s III-CE are expected to think critically and creatively in order to analyse objectively the situation, organise information and devise solutions to complex problems at the workplace. The most important of the proposed programme is to groom wholesome responsible mariner who possess attributes of deep conviction of God, as well as being competent in the subject matter.

Structural components
Laboratory training
Practical/Field work
Research Project

Learning outcomes

To produce graduates with the following outcomes:

  • Acquire and apply principles of Marine Science and Technology and understand the Marine sciences-related concepts  in relation to daily  life
  • Conduct experiments and basic research in the field of Marine science  and Technology through laboratory work, final year project and industrial training and able to handle a few laboratory equipment and analytical methods
  • Interpret laboratory data in marine sciences, identify, solve and analyse certain problems in marine sciences
  • Demonstrate good communication in written form (scientific report) and/or through presentations and participations in various projects and activities
  • Participate in various activities, work as an individual as well as in a team and demonstrate responsibility for the given tasks
  • Use knowledge gained for self-development and continuous improvement find/seek and manage marine science related information  from many resources
  • Demonstrate good work ethics and professionalism imbued with Islamic moral-spiritual values
  • Able to understand the basic knowledge or principles of managerial and entrepreneurship related to marine science able to identify and incorporate the knowledge learned into entrepreneurship opportunity in relation to marine sciences.
  • The ability to understand, apply and harmonize philosophical principles of Marine Science and Technology programme with Islam.

ISCED Categories

Project management
Personal skills and communication
Ocean Literacy
Physical and chemical oceanography
Maritime security