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Master of Science (Ocean Technology and Marine Affairs)

Master (ISCED 2011 level 7)


Cost 79200 NT$/year

The Institute of Ocean Technology and Marine Affairs (IOTMA) was established on August 1, 2006. The mission of the IOTMA is to provide leadership and capability in ocean and coastal management of contemporary problems and public service through distinguished teaching, research, and outreach programs. We offer Master’s and Doctoral degrees that focus on governance issues for both coastal and oceanic environments. The IOTMA fosters comprehensive, long term and proactive approaches to ocean technology, marine policy and ocean and coastal management. It also promotes interdisciplinary education, scientific research and public service. Curriculum options of IOTMA utilize the comprehensive course of scientific, management, and ocean policy and law across the university and within our institute.

Representative research topics include the following: Interactions among various ocean and coastal uses; Resolution of multiple-use conflicts; alternative management regimes and institutional arrangements for integrated management of ocean and coastal areas; Environmental impacts resulting from development of ocean and coastal areas; specific shoreline management issues such as coast protection policies, accelerated sea level rise, and marine protected areas; recreational development and conservation; physical constraints and natural hazards affecting resource use and development; technological solutions to problems of resource demand.

The Institute of Ocean Technology and Marine Affairs (IOTMA) provides students with an interdisciplinary education in ocean technology, coastal environment, and marine spatial planning. We therefore emphasize marine affairs issues locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally. The major objective of the graduate degrees is to educate students in the interdisciplinary capability needed for marine and coastal management. Students will gain a solid foundation in issues encounter policy makers, environmental managers, and stakeholders at widely level. Students will also develop an understanding of the socioeconomic dynamic, environmental change, and political/legal effects in management process. Our institute offers two graduate programs: Master of Marine Affairs and Doctor of Philosophy.

Structurele componenten
International component
Laboratory training
Practical/Field work
Research Project

ISCED Categories

Beleid en bestuur
Marien and maritiem recht
Conservatie en milieumanagement
Kust- en zee toerisme
Machines en operators
Mariene Ruimtelijke Planning