The aim of this course is learning survival techniques in the water, the use of life-saving appliances and different ways of evacuation in emergency situations.
Target Group
Staff, which operates in the offshore- wind industry or theit related fields
Practical examination according to GWO
Course Contents
Theory (1h):
Hazards of environment and sea, Hypothermia, Rescue devices, devices Personell protective equipment, Swimtechniques,
distress signals, Helicopter rescue,
Practise (3 h):
Scenario based training
Theory Boat transfer (25 min.):
different transfer vessels, safe exceeds to boat landing or
boat to boat, Man over board, Rescue devices
Practise (3 h):
Exceed to boat landing and boat to boat, man over board
ISCED Categories
Offshore en hernieuwbare energie
Machines en operators
Near- en offshore infrastructuur