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Engenharia e Gestão da Energia (Energy Engineering and Management )

Master (ISCED 2011 level 7)

Portuguese, Portugal

Tijdsduur 4 semesters
Entry level Bachelor
Cost 1.060 €/year

For several decades now, it has become increasingly necessary to find solutions to a number of challenges related to the production, storage, transport and consumption of energy. The Master in Energy Engineering and Management addresses sustainable energy systems, in their different economic, environmental and social aspects.
Being an Engineering course directed towards Energy, the curricular plan includes transversal training in the areas of Thermodynamics, Chemistry, Mechanics, Electronics and Energy and Mass Transfer. Moreover, it combines this component with a strong training in Economics, Environment and Innovation, stimulating the capabilities associated with creativity, entrepreneurship and leadership in addition to specialized technological knowledge, essential to meet the challenges facing society in the field of energy.

Application procedure

The 1st call of applications is opened to applicants who have finished the 1st cycle of studies (Undergraduate Programme) proven by official documents. Applicants will also be admitted for seriation if they have a minimum of 138 ECTS completed, proven by detailed* official documentation. Applicants must submit the 1st cycle conclusion certificate until the 12th of June. Applicants who have not completed the 1st cycle must submit a sworn statement attesting the 1st cycle average at the time of application.
The 2nd call of application is opened to applicants who prove to have finished a minimum of 138 ECTS through official documents. The admission will be conditional until the enrollment process in which the applicant has to present the final 1st cycle (Undergraduate Programme) certificate/Diploma. Applicants who have not graduated at the time of the application, will have to sign a Declaration under Oath attesting their 1st cycle (Undergraduate Programme) average grade at the time of application.
The 3rd call of applications is opened to applicants who have finished the 1st cycle of studies (Undergraduate Programme) proven by official documents.


Hold a 1st cycle degree in Science and Technology (except in the case of the 2nd cycle in Architecture, which requires a 1st cycle degree in Architecture);
Hold an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that certifies their ability to do the MSc programme which they apply for.

ISCED Categories

Offshore en hernieuwbare energie