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Навігація і управління морськими суднами (Navigation and control of seagoing vessels )

Master (ISCED 2011 level 7)


Tijdsduur 3 semesters
Entry level Bachelor
Cost The tuition fee is calculated by multiplying the number of credits by the corresponding fee

The purpose of the educational program: acquisition by students of higher education of knowledge, understanding, skills and other competencies necessary for:
- occupation of positions of command staff of sea and river vessels on navigation and management of sea vessels, work at the enterprises, establishments and the organizations providing operation of fleet, management of movement of vessels and safety of navigation;
- be prepared to successfully master more complex programs for professionals in the chosen specialization. Continuation of training at the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education for further work in the positions of researchers and developers, teachers, technical and scientific managers in the structures of maritime business.


Structurele componenten
Ship training
Internship/Workplace experience
International component
Laboratory training
Practical/Field work

ISCED Categories

Navigatie en zeemanschap