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Bachelor of Arts (Marine Management)

Bachelor (ISCED 2011 level 6)


Tijdsduur 6 semesters
Cost 23,860 FJD (international student, maximum fee)

The USP's Bachelor of Arts in Marine Management differs from USP's Bachelor of Science (BS) in Marine Science as it offers students a broader education in the discipline. Like the BS, it consists of three years of education.


Year 1

  1. UU100 - Communications and Information Literacy: The aim of this course is to ensure that all incoming students develop knowledge and competence in the use of computers and information resources.
  2. UU114 - English for Academic Purposes.
  3. MS101 - Introduction to Marine Resources Management: This course stresses the importance of managing marine resources wisely if the people are to benefit from these new opportunities. Students will learn about resource management by looking at national policies, law, regional cooperation, international treaties and conventions.
  4. MS111 - Introduction to Marine Science for Pacific Islands: The course provides an interesting introduction to the principles and application of marine science, including physical, biological and chemical processes, living and non-living resources, human uses and impacts, and environmental management and sustainable development.
  5. EC102 - Principles of Microeconomics: this course introduces students to microeconomics, the other branch of economics, which examines the behaviour of individuals, households, firms, and specific firms.
  6. GS100 - Geography Techniques and Methods: This course introduces students to a range of geographic techniques with particular emphasis on physical field measurements, mapping, population surveys, statistical analysis and geographic presentation. A range of basic field survey equipment is used, together with maps, aerial images and spatial data.
  7. MG101 - Introduction to Management: This course aims to help students understand important management concepts and theories, covering the basic management functions and other important issues from a practical perspective. It provides a comprehensive and integrated introduction to the process of management in both functional and behavioural aspects.
  8. ST130 - Basic Statistics: This is a service course designed to introduce students to statistics as a methodology for the collection, summarisation and interpretation of data.

Year 2

  1. UU200 - Ethics and Governance: This generic course offers an exploratory and interdisciplinary insight into ethics and the ethics of governance. he theoretical framework is then used to delve into the fascinating and controversial field of 'applied ethics', ranging through the law, corporate and workplace ethics, social justice issues and controversial ethical dilemmas.
  2. UU204 - Pacific Worlds: In this course you will be introduced to the places, histories, cultures, arts, and politics of Oceania.
  3. EC203 - Economic Statistics: This course gives you the basic theoretical and practical hands-on experience on statistical methods in economics.
  4. MS200 - Marine Resource Economics: The course provides a theoretical and an applied context to the key issues and policy challenges in marine resource use and management in general and with some specific reference to the Pacific Islands. Economic underpinnings of issues on equity, efficiency and sustainability are analysed by looking at activities such as fisheries, aquaculture, marine protected areas, recreational fishery, ports and shipping and seabed mining.
  5. MS205 - International Law of the Sea: Topics covered include the history of the Convention, ocean zones and the associated rights and duties of States, the rules governing the access to the oceans, the use and conservation of her resources, the protection of the marine environment and other marine uses.
  6. MS204 - Tropical Seafood: This course provides a general introduction to seafood in Pacific Island Countries. Seafood resources, nutrition, spoilage, poisoning, handling, processing (both traditional and modern), preservation and quality assurance are examined. Regional and global seafood quality issues are examined in some detail and students are expected to design their own seafood business using economic engineering principles. The emphasis will be on field-trips and assignments rather than on laboratory classes.
  7. MS206 - Maritime Skills and Techniques: This course provides students intending to work in fisheries and marine science in the South Pacific with a basic competence in small boat operations, safety at sea, position finding, navigation and pilot age. This skills-based course is set in an academic framework of geography, cartography, meteorology and oceanography; students are introduced to a range of sampling techniques, including echo-sounders, global positioning system, salinity and temperatures profiling, plankton nets, fishing methods, grabs, corers and in-water sampling techniques. Students will spend 4 weeks on industrial attachment to practice some of these skills.
  8. MS210 - Marine Transport: This course covers history, legislation, the current industry at international and domestic levels and focuses on the challenges faced by the current industry and future options.

Year 3

  1. SC356 - Research Skills: The first part of the course will provide students with an overview of the research processes. Experimental design, sampling, data collection and analysis will be introduced. The second part of the course will focus on a seven-week supervised research project with appropriate reporting from the students.
  2. MS301 - Ocean Resources Management in the Pacific Islands: This course analyses the actions taken by Pacific Island Countries individually and collectively, in response to their rights and obligations under the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention and after the UN Conference on Environment and Development in 1992. National and regional policies, administrative arrangements, national laws, regional and international treaties and regional organisations are examined.
  3. MS302 - Integrated Coastal Zone Management: The coastal zone and its biophysical characteristics are introduced at the beginning together with the international framework for an integrated approach. The course focuses on the interrelationships and interdependence between and among sectors, agencies, disciplines and levels of governance for complementarities, duplication and conflicts to enable the fostering of better cooperation and coordination to achieve the goals of integrated management and sustainable development.
  4. MS304 - Ocean Governance and Policy: This course examines ocean governance and policy at the international, regional and national levels with an emphasis of practice in the Pacific Islands region. Students and practitioners alike will benefit and be able to develop policy and plans consistent with laws, guide implementation and promote responsible ocean governance.
  5. MS309 - Sustainable Fisheries: The course underlines the critical issues affecting management and planning in the fisheries sector and provides tools and techniques to address them. It elaborates on the concept of sustainable fisheries to identify the key factors that need to be addressed as part of planning and policy on fisheries management.
  6. MS310 - Ports and Shipping: This course builds on groundwork covered in MS101 and MS210 and examines the roles of ports, shipping lines and government subsidisation schemes.
  7. MS315 - Marine Spatial Planning: This course introduces students to the principles and practice of planning for sustainable marine and coastal management, particularly in the Pacific context. The course aims to provide a good understanding of the policy and regulatory framework, and tools for planning and management. It considers the ways that planning can prepare and manage for change to ensure sustainable futures and specifically, the need to promote balance between social and economic development and the protection of the marine and coastal environment.
  8. One free-choice additional course, between these:
  • EV301 - Environmental Impact Assessment
  • EV302 - Sustainable Development
  • MS314 - Tuna Fisheries of the South Pacific
Structurele componenten
Laboratory training
Practical/Field work
Research Project

ISCED Categories

Persoonlijke vaardigheden en communicatie
Maritieme economie
Beleid en bestuur
Logistiek en bedrijfsvoering scheepsvaart
Marien and maritiem recht
Conservatie en milieumanagement
Mariene Geologie
Fysische en chemische oceanografie
Wetenschappelijke modellering
Mariene Ruimtelijke Planning
Kust- en zee toerisme
Maritieme veiligheid