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Bachelor in Mechatronics

Bachelor (ISCED 2011 level 6)


Tijdsduur 8 semesters
Cost EU, Polish Free; Non EU citizen 9000 PLN per year

The curriculum has been designed to provide you with preparation for your professional career in the field of broadly understood electrical engineering and related fields, as well as for your work at sea. During your studies you will develop the ability to think in an abstract way and learn to solve basic engineering problems related to the operation of electrical and electromechanical systems. Studying with us will allow you to gain basic knowledge in the field of construction, operation and diagnostics of electrical equipment and systems with the use of IT tools. You will be well prepared to work both offshore and onshore in industrial plants connected with electrical engineering and related fields.

Additionally, students have a 4-8 week practical training in repair shipyards or industrial plants and (as an option – if they want to have the possibility of working aboard ships after graduation) a semester of work placement at sea.

So when you start studying Mechatronics at the Maritime University in Szczecin, you will be given the option of working at sea in addition to the mechatronics profession. You alone decide about your future - whether you want to work on ships (earning more, exploring the world but deciding on a temporary separation from your loved ones), or whether you prefer to work on land and spend time with your family .

Graduate profile

The most important assets of mechatronics graduates:

  • organised, theory-based general knowledge related to electrical engineering, electronics and automatics.
  • the ability to design and operate computer networks as well as analyse and design microprocessor controlled systems.
  • knowledge and skills directly related to the operation, diagnostics and maintenance of electrical equipment on ships.
  • competencies related to the control of ship operation and protection of persons on board.
  • the ability to think creatively and entrepreneurially.
  • foreign language fluency, including specialised language.

A graduate of our faculty is an engineer specialising in work on seagoing ships, but also able to work in land-based service companies in the electrical, electronic and automation industries in the Polish and global labour market.

Studying with us, apart from gaining plenty of, mainly practical, knowledge, you will have a lot of positive experiences and a great adventure. Learning in classes is not everything - you can develop your interests in Student Scientific Associations during numerous seminars and workshops. You can use your free time to develop your sports interests in the swimming pool or in student sports clubs. If your passion is singing, you can join the choir, which has a long-established reputation and prestigious achievements. Our city-centre campus will give you easy access to every place in Szczecin and centralizing your student life in one place will help you integrate and make new friends.

Prospects of the programme

Mechatronics is a new and constantly developing branch of engineering. According to the forecasts of specialists engaged in labour market research, mechatronics is definitely a group of "professions of the future". By choosing studies at the Maritime University of Szczecin, at the Faculty of Mechatronics and Electrical Engineering, you will ensure yourself a prestigious profession and financial security for life.

Structurele componenten
Ship training
Industry partners
Internship/Workplace experience
International component
Laboratory training
Practical/Field work
Research Project

ISCED Categories

Offshore en hernieuwbare energie
Machines en operators
Near- en offshore infrastructuur