As a marine engineer you master both the underlying theory and the practical work in engines, processing plants, etc. SIMAC educates marine engineers attractive for careers ashore and at sea.
You learn to work with technical operation as well as general management. The education will make you a technical leader capable of managing operation, optimisation, and maintenance of advanced machinery and plants, and at the same time you also possess the competencies necessary for leading people and ensuring high quality, a good working environment, safety, and financial performance.
If you work as a marine engineer at sea, you will be in charge of the ship’s machinery. This means that you will be in charge of all maintenance of the ship’s engines, technical equipment, etc. The ships could be merchant ships, passenger ships, or specialised ships used for inspection or environmental surveillance, erection of offshore wind turbines, cable laying, etc.
Even though the marine engineer education has its root in the maritime, it also provides you with rich opportunities for land based positions. Approximately 80 per cent of all marine engineers today are employed ashore – sometimes after having been at sea for some years.
The technical knowledge of the marine engineer is in high demand within counselling, development and sale of technical products – and practically any large company using technical plants will require marine engineers. Demand for marine engineers stays high. Unemployment is low, and as a marine engineer you are attractive for a wide variety of industries – ashore, offshore, and in all parts of the world.
Please note that our marine engineer training programme is conducted mainly in Danish. If you wish to enrole on an education with seagoing service, you have to have an educational contract with an approved Danish shipping company, before you embark on the education.
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