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Master ​in Business Administration With Shipping

Master (ISCED 2011 level 7)


Tijdsduur 2 semesters

What is an MBA?

The MBA programme was developed originally in the United States and soon afterwards was introduced in the UK. It continues to grow in reputation and demand as the business world’s top degree, while it has recently also branched out into specialisations – such as shipping. With the growing internationalisation of the world economy, an increasing number of companies and organisations now require top managers to have MBA Degrees, and that includes the shipping industry.

Why the CIM MBA with Shipping?

As one of the first higher education institutions in Cyprus to offer Shipping, and on the back of two very successful undergraduate programmes in shipping, it was only a matter of time before CIM introduced its MBA with Shipping. International shipping has always been critical to the development of world trade, and Cyprus has always profited from it. The inter-relationships between falling transportation costs, economic growth and globalisation in the twentieth century have made shipping one of the most profitable and exciting occupations. The CIM MBA with Shipping considers trading patterns and shipping organisation in their legal, financial and managerial context.

The course delivers a comprehensive and integrated overview of the core subjects essential to a thorough understanding of business administration and shipping management. It will develop your generic business skills whatever your background or career stage and it will enhance your critical analytical skills. Further, the interdisciplinary nature of the programme will prepare you to be a future professionals who can function effectively in the complex business environment of the global marketplace. The diversity of supporting activities within the highly dynamic trade and maritime industry and its various sectors, consisting of many hundreds of large, medium and small firms, makes this choice possible.


The specific objectives of the MBA in Shipping, are that the students:

  • Develop the intellectual skills necessary to contribute to developing strategies for the direction of international transport and trade;
  • Become familiar with the main theories and practices of international shipping, transport and trade;
  • Learn to identify and critically analyse the structures and institutions of managing and organising sea transport;
  • Fully grasp the import of the economic and regulatory institutions and practices of trade and transport.


Upon successful completion of this program, the students should be able:

  • To demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the structures, processes and institutional practices of trade and shipping in the global marketplace.
  • To act as fully developed professionals who are capable of developing, implementing, and promoting activities relevant to international trade and shipping management, as well as the interaction of these with the world economic and financial systems.
  •  To demonstrate appropriate knowledge, research background and tools.
  • To establish collaborative networks with other universities for the promotion of research and academic dialogue through student and academic staff exchange programs, as a means of acquiring experience, achieving effective exploitation of research results, good practice examples and innovation.
  • To strengthen the communication and information exchange channels among working groups, universities and other centers who study trade and transportation issues, locally, peripherally, and globally.
Structurele componenten
Industry partners
Practical/Field work
Research Project

ISCED Categories

Persoonlijke vaardigheden en communicatie
Maritieme economie
Beleid en bestuur
Logistiek en bedrijfsvoering scheepsvaart
Marien and maritiem recht