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Bachelor of Science (Marine Biology and Aquaculture)

Bachelor (ISCED 2011 level 6)


Tijdsduur 6 semesters
Cost International students $32,900.00 AUD; domestic students: tuition fees available on the website

Course aims

The course aims to provide students with a broad understanding of the biology of marine organisms, their relationships with the physico-chemical marine environment, and their potential responses to changes. It also provides students with the ability to acquire extensive subject knowledge in marine biodiversity, ecology, genetics, conservation, fisheries and related areas. Furthermore, this course aims to provide students with a broad-based foundation in science together with specialisation in aquaculture. This course enables graduates to develop practical and theoretical skills for a career in the aquaculture industry and aims to develop a range of transferable skills for research, analysis and communication including the capability to:

  • understand and apply scientific principles in a marine biology and aquaculture context, and work effectively, cooperatively and productively within a team
  • retrieve and present scientific information about marine biology and aquaculture, including communicating effectively with a variety of  audiences in written and spoken form
  • critically analyse and evaluate information relevant to marine biology and aquaculture and solve problems
  • appreciate the multidisciplinary aspect of marine sciences and engage positively with people and ideas beyond their discipline area
  • work effectively and productively within teams
  • work independently and take responsibility for updating and adapting their knowledge and skills
  • appreciate the ethical and societal contexts of marine sciences
  • understand the biology of aquaculture organisms and aquaculture principles and practices
  • gain knowledge in aquaculture nutrition, husbandry and water quality management
  • acquire skills and knowledge in aquaculture reproduction, hatchery management and applied genetics
  • build aquaculture infrastructure and solve engineering issues relevant to aquaculture ventures
  • diagnose and manage aquaculture diseases, and manage health and safety issues in aquaculture ventures
  • manage and operate an aquaculture business.

This course provides the broad-based foundation that will support ongoing professional development, preparing graduates for further study in marine sciences, for a career in marine biology and aquaculture where the range of skills and knowledge acquired is needed or desirable.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • demonstrate familiarity with theories, subject content, professional methodologies and research procedures in marine sciences and aquaculture and be able to critically apply them in marine biological studies and aquaculture management
  • understand and describe the processes through which current knowledge about marine biology and aquaculture are developed
  • analyse and critically evaluate ideas/issues/information/data in marine biology and aquaculture, and apply relevant scientific principles to solve problems by, for example, creating hypotheses, testing theories and predictions, designing and carrying out experiments and analysing reported data
  • competently design marine biological and aquacultural studies, employing sampling methods and techniques that work effectively in the field and laboratory, and applying numerical skills for data analysis
  • demonstrate an appreciation of work practices relating to OH&S and animal ethics in regards to marine biological and aquaculture studies or ventures
  • demonstrate skill at identifying organisms found in marine and costal environments
  • understand the dynamics of marine ecosystems and their potential responses to changes
  • apply conservation and management principles or business management strategies for sustainable aquatic resource management
  • communicate their findings to a variety of audiences in written and spoken form
  • appreciate that marine biology and aquaculture are multidisciplinary and have connections to other science and non-science disciplines
  • work and learn independently and appreciate the need for continuing professional development
  • interact effectively as part of a team in order to achieve common goals
  • demonstrate a sound understanding of the biology of aquaculture organisms and of breeding, genetics, nutrition and water quality issues relevant to aquaculture
  • design aquaculture systems and solve engineering issues in aquaculture.


Structurele componenten
Laboratory training
Practical/Field work
Research Project

ISCED Categories

Conservatie en milieumanagement
Fysische en chemische oceanografie