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Renewable Energy Sources and Technologies

Master (ISCED 2011 nivel 7)

Noruego Nynorsk

Duración 1 semesters
Costo N/A

The course provides an introduction to technical, environmental and economic aspects of converting renewable energy resources, methods for energy analysis, as well as how energy systems are built to supply society with energy services for stationary and mobile purposes.

The course has four main themes:

  • Part I The energy system and concepts: Introduction to the global and national energy system, including data for energy production, distribution/storage, and use for stationary and mobile purposes. Both renewable and non-renewable energy resources will be discussed. Learning about units of measurement for energy and power and the relationship between energy and power.
  • Part II Renewable Energy: Introduction to the mechanisms that create renewable energy sources, technologies to transform these energy sources into use, and consequences for society and the environment. Main emphasis on solar, bio, water and wind energy, but other energy sources will also be treated. Learn about the relationship between renewable energy and sustainable energy.
  • Part III Energy analysis: Introduction to methods for energy chain analyzes (including CO2), energy efficiency and the relationship between volume/structure/efficiency. Main emphasis on renewable energy.
  • Part IV Energy economics and energy policy: Introduction to methods for economic profitability calculations and political instruments in the area of ​​energy.
Componentes estructurales

Categorías CINE (ISCED)

Tecnología de protección del medio ambiente
Energía renovable marina