Microbial Ecology is undergoing rapid evolution and dramatic progresses thanks to the combined advances of next-generation DNA sequencing technologies and computational approaches for data analysis and visualization. As a result, microbial ecogenomics has become an essential part of investigations of marine or terrestrial habitats, or host-microbe interactions. The aim of the workshop on Emerging Bioinformatics Approaches for Microbial Ecogenomics is to bring together researchers who generate complex 'omics datasets to investigate biological, ecological and evolutionnary questions with researchers who develop new concepts and computational methods to analyze such datasets.
The workshop will have lectures on new methods and their applications on real-world datasets, and tutorials for hands-on experience.
The workshop will focus on various state-of-the-art data analysis practices targeting genome-resolved metagenomics including recovery of population genomes from metagenomes, analysis of micro-diversity through single-nucleotide variants, strain deconvolution, comparative genomics, application of network theory to complex metagenomic data, and data visualization.
Check previous EBAME program and faculty
The workshop will be held exclusively in English and hosted by the European Institute for Marine Sciences at Best University, from October 12-24, 2024. The institute is located on the wonderful setting of the Bay of Brest, at the heart of the largest French marine science campus, with easy access from Brest Bretagne international airport and train station. Funds and help for on-site child care and family accommodation will be available.
The workshop organization is made possible thanks to the sponsor of the ISBLUE graduate school, the IUEM Marine Science Institute, the region Bretagne, the Brest University research council, the Brest Metropole BMO.
The Institut Francais de Bioinformatique will provide computational infrastructure during the workshop
Who should apply
The workshop will be most useful for researchers and graduate students who study microbes via shotgun genomics, metagenomic or metatranscriptomic datasets, and are interested in genome-resolved metagenomics and pangenome analysis. Applicants from different backgrounds are most welcome (such as computer scientists or biostatisticians). Hands-on tutorials will require familiarity with the UNIX terminal environment. Please keep in mind that EBAME is a very intensive workshop with everyday lectures and little time for other activities. Before applying to EBAME, we encourage you to evaluate your commitment and availbility for such exercise.
Proceso de aplicación
How to apply
An e-mail titled "EBAME 9 Application" with application material as PDF attachments should be sent to lois.maignien@univ-brest.fr. Your application can include a short statement with your scientific background, current interests, the kinds of datasets you are currently working with, and expectations from the workshop (ideally in a single page). Feel free to add your CV as a separate PDF file to your application. We will consider applications until July 1, 2024.
Applicants will be notified shortly after regarding participation.
Categorías CINE (ISCED)