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Sustainable Energy Technology

Master (ISCED 2011 level 7)


Duración 4 semesters
Nivel de entrada Bachelor
Costo 2.314 €

Sustainable Energy Technology (SET) is an interdisciplinary program in which six departments cooperate. The six departments are: Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Applied Physics, Architecture, Building and Planning and Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences. This cooperation gives you the opportunity to look at our energy supply from different viewpoints. This program is part of the strategic research area of Energy. It educates academic engineers who possess scientific knowledge on and insight into the design, behaviour and performance of energy technologies and the integration of these technologies in grids, buildings and society.

Oportunidades de financiamiento/becas

Undergraduate students
There are very few scholarships open to international students wishing to follow a Bachelor's program. The grantfinder may offer some possibilities. Another search engine for scholarships is the European Commission site scholarship portal

Student grants 
Students from countries of the European Economic Area (EEA) may be eligible for a grant or loan from the Dutch government.

Graduate students
Various scholarships are open to students wishing to follow a Master's program at Eindhoven University of Technology. Some of which are aimed at all programs whilst other are aimed at a single program.  A requirement of most scholarships is that you have been admitted to a Master's program before you may apply to the scholarship.

Student grants
Students from countries of the European Economic Area (EEA) may be eligible for a grant or loan from the Dutch government. 

Resultados del aprendizaje

The discipline of Sustainable Energy Technology combines a number of specializations. The multidisciplinary research is organized into several themes, which are also the focal areas of the energy related research at the TU/e:

  • Electrical power systems
  • Application in the built environment
  • Energy & society
  • Sources, fuels & storage 

Categorías CINE (ISCED)

Energía renovable marina