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Máster Universitario en Acuicultura (60 ECTS) (Master degree in Aquaculture (60 ECTS) )

Master (ISCED 2011 level 7)


Nivel de entrada Bachelor
Costo 2.356,2 euros

Fishery products are one of the most important animal protein sources in the world. However, while global demand has increased in recent years, the production by extractive fishing remains stable, if not in clear decline. Therefore, aquaculture is the fastest growing food industry worldwide. Spain is one of the largest fish consumers and aquaculture is the alternative to ensure market supply. The incorporation of floating cage systems has placed the Valencian Community among the major participants of the sector nationwide. Thus, aquaculture is one of the emerging sectors in the Community. This Master’s degree offers an advanced training programme to meet these needs and to prepare skilled professionals who can design, manage, control and innovate in the fish farms already installed or recently built. It is also important to train researchers prepared to advance knowledge in the many disciplines involved in the cultivation of aquatic species: nutrition, reproduction, pathology, etc. It could be said that, in addition to working as specialists in any type of business and activity, these studies train future entrepreneurs and researchers.

Componentes estructurales
Socios de la industria
Prácticas profesionales/experiencia laboral
Entrenamiento de laboratorio
Trabajo práctico/ de campo

Resultados del aprendizaje


  • CB1: Students can apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study.
  • CB2: Students are able to integrate knowledge and handle the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, while being incomplete or limited, includes reflection on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments.
  • CB3: Students can communicate their conclusions, and the knowledge and rationale underpinning these, to specialist and non-specialist audiences, clearly and unambiguously.
  • CB4: Students have the learning skills that will allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous.
  • CB5: Students have the knowledge and understanding that provide a basis or an opportunity for originality in developing and/or applying ideas, often within a research context.


  • CG1: Possess basic knowledge in the physiology, production, reproduction and nutrition of key species in aquaculture, as well as the function and manipulation of biological and physicochemical cycles in tanks.
  • CG2: Possess basic knowledge in the identification and control of pathologies in aquaculture farms.
  • CG3: Possess basic knowledge in the design of facilities, as well as the evaluation of their environmental impact.
  • CG4: Possess basic knowledge for the design and analysis of experiments, the management and organization of the sector; and dissemination and scientific communication strategies.
  • CG5: Acquire the ability to perform tasks such as: (a) analyze water quality; (b) develop auxiliary and production crops; (c) control and diagnose diseases; (d) perform quality and traceability controls; (e) analyze and prevent risks in the production chain; and (f) design facilities.
  • CG6: Acquire the basic skills necessary to: (a) identify relevant research objectives and plan their achievement realistically; (b) design experimental analyzes that allow to increase the knowledge about production, reproduction, maintenance and pathology of key species and potential species in aquaculture, as well as to help solve new problems; and, (c) produce communicable knowledge, that is, be able to prepare the information obtained in a standard scientific format.
  • CG7: Acquire the basic skills necessary to: (a) anticipate the needs of R & D & I (e.g., those derived from the introduction of new species or prophylaxis against emerging pathogens); (b) prevent the potential environmental impact; and (c) organize production ensuring its viability.


  • CT1: Read fluently and understand scientific and technical texts, especially original research papers.
  • CT2: Know and know how to handle the documentary sources related to each subject, with special attention to the sources accessible through computer networks.
  • CT3: Organize and synthesize diverse information to generate a coherent whole.
  • CT4: Develop and publicly display technical information effectively.
  • CT5: Ability to work in teams.
  • CT6: Contemplate aquaculture as an activity with the dimension not only productive, but also socially and environmentally responsible.
  • CT7: Appreciate the importance of multidisciplinary work (including the ethical dimension) even in the apparently technical aspects of professional activity.


  • CE1: Design control, management and prevention plans for infectious and non-infectious pathologies of relevance in aquaculture.
  • CE2: Apply the basic treatments used to control and prevent the most important infectious diseases in aquaculture.
  • CE3: Possess the necessary manual skills for the correct handling of materials and instruments.
  • CE4: Detect the errors of approach or procedure committed during the work in the laboratory, and discern its scope on the results obtained.
  • CE5: Use taxonomic nomenclature correctly.
  • CE6: Recognize the anatomy of the different groups of animals used in aquaculture.
  • CE7: ​​Identify taxa of interest in aquaculture through specific bibliography (keys, identification guides, etc.).
  • CE8: Understand the functional morphology, physiology and vital strategies of cultivated or potentially arable species, with special emphasis on the impact of biological constraints on the practice of aquaculture.
  • CE9: Use physiological and ethological information to assess the welfare of cultivated species.
  • CE10: Analyze the potential impact of crops on the environment and surrounding biodiversity.
  • CE11: Possess the essential basic knowledge about pathology of fish, molluscs and cultured crustaceans.
  • CE12: Understand the operation of production systems and specialized facilities.
  • CE13: Know the cultures of marine and continental species that are currently developed.
  • CE14: Plan and / or propose experimental assumptions for the study of the control of the reproduction of fish and shellfish crops.
  • CE15: Identify new trends and relevant research fields on reproduction of fish and molluscs.
  • CE16: Apply knowledge about the reproductive process of fish, or mollusc crops, proposing the relevant tools in solving problems posed by the industry in the short and medium term.
  • CE17: Understand the meaning and relevance of the use of live dams in aquaculture.
  • CE18: Possess skills for the management and use of live prey as larval food.
  • CE19: Develop larval cultures of any aquatic species, knowing the basic theoretical strategies and their mode of application.
  • CE20: Start an installation of live dams in any aquaculture company, applying the basic fundamentals to the peculiarities of each installation and crop.
  • CE21: Understand the physiological functioning of animals of interest in aquaculture and the basic mechanisms underlying these mechanisms.
  • CE22: Understand the role of coordination and integration systems in the operation of animals of interest in aquaculture.
  • CE23: Correctly handle scientific terminology and become familiar with the methodologies and sources of information in the Physiology of animals of interest in aquaculture.
  • CE24: Become familiar with the development of analysis bulletins.
  • CE25: Acquire skills to recognize the importance of the different groups of pollutants present in the waters.
  • CE26: Relate the results of the different quality control parameters in water.
  • CE27: Recognize the importance of analytical chemistry to make technical decisions about operation, choice and promotion of water types for certain crops.
  • CE28: Identify new trends and relevant research fields on shellfish farming.
  • CE29: Propose new tools and studies with medium and short term applicability in aquaculture.
  • CE30: Design continental and marine aquaculture facilities (floating tanks and cages).
  • CE31: Evaluate the environmental impact of facilities.
  • CE32: Manage and control continental and marine facilities.
  • CE33: Promote the business vision in farms.
  • CE34: Master the basic diagnostic techniques of the Laboratory of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, with special attention to the techniques of asepsis, sterilization, culture, isolation, visualization and identification of the basic types of microorganisms.


The following students can be admitted to the Master’s degree in Aquaculture: Students from Spanish universities or from universities which belong to the European Higher Education Area who hold a LicenciaturaIngeniería or Undergraduate Degree in related studies such as Biology, Environmental Sciences, Marine Sciences, Pharmacy, Ingeniería Técnica Agrícola (3-year degree in Agricultural Engineering), Ingeniería Técnica Forestal (3-year degree in Forest Engineering) and Veterinary Medicine. Students outside the European Higher Education Area who prove the adequacy of their studies may also be admitted.

Admissions will be evaluated individually, taking into account the CV and the academic record of the applicant.

In relation to the degree of affinity to the Master’s degree of the degree of origin, the following degrees are considered to be similar to the Master’s: Licenciatura in Biological Sciences, Veterinary Medicine, Environmental Sciences, Marine Sciences, Pharmacy, Ingeniería Técnica Agrícola (3-year degree in Agricultural Engineering), Ingeniería de Montes (5-year degree in Forest Engineering) and Ingeniería Técnica Forestal (3-year degree in Forest Engineering), and all the new undergraduate degrees replacing the old ones.

Here is the scale to evaluate applications used by the Academic Coordination Committees at each university.

Training (degree of origin and others): up to 5 points
Average grade of the academic record: up to 4 points (1-pass, 2 - B, 3 – A, 4 - distinction)
Proven track record in aquaculture: up to 3 points
Proven research experience: up to 4 points
Proven languages knowledge: up to 0,5 points
Letter of motivation/interview: up to 2 points

Categorías CINE (ISCED)
