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Експлуатація суднового електрообладнання і засобів автоматики (Operation and maintenance of ship electrical equipment and means of automation )

Doctorado (ISCED 2011 nivel 8)


Duración 8 semesters
Costo from 5850 USD

Objects of activity: vessels, drilling platforms and naval bases; traffic control systems for sea and river vehicles.

Objects of study: technical systems and complexes of ships, ship mechanical systems, electrical equipment and electronic equipment and control systems, radio communication systems); methods of operation of ships and their systems, management of operations on ships; organization of crew work and care for people on ships.

The theoretical content of the subject area is based on the theory of ship design, automatic control, reliability, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, environmental protection, risk assessment and decision making, emergency management, resource management.

The educational program provides the formation of competencies necessary for employment on ships and enterprises of river and sea transport in positions related to the operation of ships and their systems, management of ship operations, ensuring the safety of navigation.

Componentes estructurales
Entrenamiento de embarcaciones
Prácticas profesionales/experiencia laboral
Componente internacional
Entrenamiento de laboratorio
Trabajo práctico/ de campo

Categorías CINE (ISCED)

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