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Computer modellering af marine og kystnære problemer (Computer Modelling for Marine and Coastal Engineering )



Formato del curso On-site
Fecha 2021-01-04 - 2021-01-22

General course objectives

To introduce students to the use of numerical methods in hydraulics. In this course the solution to various coastal and offshore engineering problems will be obtained by using a commercial numerical modelling software (MIKE 21 of DHI). The course will focus on typical applications encountered in marine and coastal environments.


In this course the fundamental hydrodynamics and wave dynamics obtained as part of course 41111 will be applied. The students will receive an introduction to the most relevant modules in the DHI MIKE software package such as the hydrodynamic (HD), spectral wave (SW), sand transport (ST) and mud transport (MT). During the last half of the course the students will work in groups to establish their own complex models to solve a realistic engineering problem. Such problems could be: i) Flow and wave simulations to provide design conditions for a potential offshore wind mill farm, ii) Dispersion of contaminants in a coastal environment and, iii) Sediment transport and coastline evolution around a harbour.


Recommended prerequisites

41102 Hydrodynamics 1, 41111 Hydrodynamics 2, 41312 Basic fluid mechanics, knowledge of linear wave dynamics and basic hydraulics.

Resultados del aprendizaje

A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:

  • Establish a nearshore hydraulic modelling complex based on the MIKE 21 software package.
  • Establish MIKE 21 model input including bathymetry, wind, wave and sediment maps and tidal forcing.
  • Solve the depth-integrated flow equations, spectral wave equations and the combined wave-current sediment transport using the MIKE 21 numerical modelling complex.
  • Apply numerical methods including meshing of domains and account for its impacts on the solution.
  • Provide practical assessments and interpretations of the MIKE 21 numerical solutions.
  • Interpret complex surf zone and offshore processes.
  • Solve a major and realistic exercise problem using the established MIKE 21 modelling complex.
  • Present results of numerical calculations in a transparent, easily accessible and applicable form.
  • Write up a well-structured hydraulic report on the assignment upon the completion of course.


Categorías CINE (ISCED)

Modelado científico