Our Integrated PhD provides research training, supervision and collaboration to international standards. Your research project will be in one of the areas addressed by our research groups.
The research project comprises an original piece of work combining both experiment and theory. Your thesis should explore, in detail, some element of engineering or science as applied in the marine environment. Where appropriate, you will be encouraged to take advantage of our strong links with the marine industry to carry out your research project in an industrial context. Recent partnerships and collaborations include International Paint, Lloyds Register and BAE Systems.
Your research project is normally in one of the areas addressed by our research groups:
- Ecology
- Modelling, Evidence and Policy
- Marine Resources and Renewable Energy (MRRE)
- Marine Hydrodynamics and Structures (MHS)
- Sustainable Shipping and Marine Engineering (SSME)
The Integrated PhD involves the study of 120 credits worth of Master's level taught modules. These will be taken during the first three years of the course alongside your research project. You can choose from one of the following:
- International Marine Environmental Consultancy, MSc (*)
- Marine Engineering, MSc (**)
- Naval Architecture, MSc (**)
- Shipping and Logistics MSc (**)
- Offshore Engineering, MSc (**)
- Pipeline Engineering, MSc
- Subsea Engineering and Management, MSc (**)
(*) You take an additional 10 credits of modules from another MSc course
(**) You take an additional 20 credits of modules from another MSc course
Our substantial marine technology research community includes 50 research students, 140 MSc students, six to 10 post-doctoral students, six technicians and 16 full-time academic staff. This provides you with opportunities to progress your career, whether in industry or academia. Our annual Postgraduate Research Conference gives you an opportunity to share research experience and practise vital presentation skills.
We hold joint meetings of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA) and the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST), which you are invited to join as they offer vital insight into the workings of professional bodies.
Our research students have been very successful at finding employment across a wide range of sectors. Professional institutes hold Newcastle research degrees in high regard when assessing work applications.
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