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Marine Transportation

Doctorado (ISCED 2011 nivel 8)


Duración 8 semesters
Costo In-State $14,035.50;In-Region $16,865.50;Out-of-Region $19,930.50;International $20,587.95

As a Marine Transportation major, you will learn to manage the finances and other business operations of a shipping company.

The program is designed to blend the skills you will need to work on the water onboard a commercial vessel with the knowledge you’ll need to work on land for a shipping or other kind of business later.

Academic Program

The Marine Transportation program includes courses about accounting, international finance, law and organizational management, in addition to courses that teach you to live and work onboard a commercial vessel.

The Marine Transportation major is offered in conjunction with the U.S. Coast Guard third mate, or deck, license. Earning a deck license means you will learn to navigate a vessel, handle cargo, and operate and maintain a variety of ship systems.

In the license program, you will spend a significant amount of time working and learning on the Training Ship Empire State VI, including during summer sea terms on the Atlantic and Mediterranean. You will be part of the college regiment of cadets, a disciplined lifestyle program that is not affiliated with the military.

Componentes estructurales
Entrenamiento de embarcaciones
Socios de la industria
Prácticas profesionales/experiencia laboral
Componente internacional
Trabajo práctico/ de campo
Proyecto de investigación

Categorías CINE (ISCED)

Manejo de proyectos
Política y governaza
Gestión operativa de logística y envío
Competencias personales y comunicación
Economía marítima
Derecho marítimo y marino