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Master’s in Coastal Zone Management (Master’s in Coastal Zone Management )

Master (ISCED 2011 level 7)


Costo Tuition-$1,337 per credit hour, Application Fee-$50 nonrefundable,Seat Deposit-$100 (nonrefundable; payable after acceptance and credited toward tuition), Registration Fee-$30 per-semester nonrefundable, Graduation Fee-$100

According to NASA, there are approximately 372,000 miles of coastline on earth, and close to 2.4 billion people living within 60 miles of an oceanic coast. Coastlines are important ecosystems that are heavily impacted by environmental changes and human behaviors. Coastal zone management is a relatively new role that many government agencies and private industries, who conduct business in coastal zones, are looking to fill.

In this program, you’ll learn about contemporary problems and conflicts arising from increased use of coastal areas. You’ll study ways to develop and communicate effective solutions to protect, conserve, and restore coastal resources. These skills will help you advance your career, while making a real impact in coastal communities.

Componentes estructurales
Entrenamiento de laboratorio
Trabajo práctico/ de campo

Categorías CINE (ISCED)

Política y governaza
Derecho marítimo y marino