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Segurança em Atmosferas Potencialmente Explosivas – Diretivas ATEX (Safety in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres – ATEX Directives )


Portuguese, Portugal

Course format Online
Date 2023-11-21 - 2023-12-07
Duration 16 hours
Cost 250 + VAT

This course will allow trainees to be able to identify the locations and methodology for classifying explosive areas and carry out the respective risk analysis. As these are the most sensitive points in the implementation of the ATEX DIRECTIVE in companies, this course prepares them in a pragmatic and practical way.


Occupational Safety and Hygiene Technicians and Senior Technicians;
Facility managers;
Security officers;
Managers, as well as other professionals whose activity is related to SHST.

Learning outcomes

At the end of the training session, participants will:
•Know the regulatory framework within the scope of the application of the ATEX Directive;
•Plan the implementation of the ATEX Directive;
•Identify places where there is a potential danger of explosive atmospheres;
•Identify the methodology for classifying explosive areas and respective risk analysis;


ISCED Categories

Offshore and renewable energy
Machinery and operators